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The Neverending Laugh
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   Dluv427. "The Neverending Laugh: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp8571)". Apr 23, 2003.

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
  T+ 0:30 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
  T+ 0:30 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
  T+ 0:59   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:59 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
I researched quite a bit about salvia before taking it, so I thought I was ready for the effects. Well the first time I smoked it, nothing happend. The 2nd time I smoked it (30min after the 1st) it felt like I was becoming the couch I was sitting in. That lasted for about 2 minutes, during that time I was telling my sitter 'look man, im melting into the couch' he didnt know what to say. The third time I smoked it was prolly 30min after the 2nd time. I shut my eyes and layed down. I then saw an entire story in my head. Its hard to explain exactly what I saw, but a lot of stuff was goin on, and it was goin on very fast. Well I took a nice rest, still not satisfied with my purchase. I smoked some bowls of weed, chilled out a bit, then called up my friend so we can do it together. He came over and we sat on my front porch.

It was about 2hrs ago, 3am, we were outside, I sparked up my 4th salvia bowl. After my second hit off the pipe, I was gone. IT HIT ME LIKE A TRAIN. I started laughing the hardest I have ever laughed b4 in my life and I couldnt stop. I was crying from all the laughter, but I was still in touch with reality cuz I was looking over at my friend and I motion to him 'WTF' I couldnt believe what was goin on. Why couldnt I control myself. During the laughing period I found myself putting my head down and staring at my shadow. I thought my shadow was a different person and that instead of just being me and my friend on the porch, it was me, my friend and my shadow. At that point I snapped out of my trance, and sat there in shock. I now am satisfied with my purchase, and I now respect lady salvia, whatta trip.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8571
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 23, 2003Views: 7,307
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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