My Mission: Contacting the Other Side
Salvia divinorum (extract 10x), Alprazolam & Beer
Citation:   johnny777. "My Mission: Contacting the Other Side: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (extract 10x), Alprazolam & Beer (exp85726)". Sep 9, 2018.

6 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
    oral Alcohol - Hard  
    oral Pharms - Alprazolam  
  1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Having studied 'the other side' for some time now, life after death, I am convinced spirit communication is possible and in many ways, not just one. I took some Salvia on a trip with me, and found a smoke shop at the town I was at and got a nice new smoke pipe cheap. I had xanax with me just by prescription and being alone at my hotel I consumed about 6 light beers and some Jack and diet coke throughout the evening.

The xanax I only take 1/2 a tab or 1/4 a tab when needed and I took some of that as well. Seems too much has less effect for me. Anyways, this is when I decided to put a pinch of Salvia 10x in my pipe, turn on the vent fan in the bathroom, turn off the lights and take my puffs and hold them in. I was then able to put the pipe, lighter, etc all in the sink, rush to the bedroom, and close the bathroom door with the vent fan running. It was a no smoking room. I left no traces. Also I didnt want to hear any external noises. A fan doe make a nice white noise source.

Given that, I laid on the bed in the total dark on my back and waited for the experience to start and start it did. My head became the whole theatre for the experience. I gradually felt like I was falling backwards, and it gradually grew stronger. Any 'thought' I thought immediately came out of my forehead as I felt falling backwards into an endless pit. The thoughts would drift off in front of me as I was the one doing the falling. I could think wow this is wild' and that thought took a physical form and I kept falling backward leaving the thought in 3D space in front of me. Half a dozen or so thoughts did this, my body just being a vessel. Kind of like spelling the letters with those magnetic letters on a refrigerator, the thoughts took that sort of form in front of me and I kept falling and falling backward at a fast walk speed pace it seemed.

Something then happened after what seemed to be 6 or 7 minutes. Something extremely funny happened in my brain, and I mean funny in a humor sense. I felt totally free and at that moment I broke out aloud in a loud laugh. I had not a worry in the world at that point and was openly laughing at something. That lasted about 15 seconds. I dont know what I laughed at but I did laugh AT something probably told to me. Whatever it was, after 15 seconds, it left me with a voice in my right ear asking me 'are you alright?'. The thought of that was like a constant tone like on a tv test pattern but it was full of 'are you alright' as the tone. Thats the only way to describe it.

I'd say this could have been a spirit guide, an angel, a dead relative, I dunno, but that is what I hope to contact in these experiences. I may be on the verge of it. The whole experience from beginning to end, I didnt time it, but was maybe 20 minutes. I was extremely satisfied to this day, that I made some kind of contact. Previous experience with Salvia of the same strength was not in the dark, not laying down nor with any other substances. The previous experiences were ones of just total disorientation which would last 5 minutes.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85726
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Sep 9, 2018Views: 628
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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