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Placebo... Waste of Time
Citation:   Spektre. "Placebo... Waste of Time: An Experience with Phenylephrine (exp85880)". Jan 24, 2011.

50 mg oral Pharms - Phenylephrine (pill / tablet)
Previous experiences; DXM, DHP, Cannabis, Alcohol, Nitrous, Concerta, Vyvanse, Pseudoephedrine

I'll caveat by saying this was the generic, CVS-brand Sudafed that cost about 5 bucks for 36 caplets. Taking 5 10-mg caplets, the effects peaks at a sort of 'wide awake' state 2 hours after consuming, with a nice comedown. Not really a crash at all, then again; it doesn't get me high.

I've got a reasonable tolerance to pharms, but nothing that'd keep one from getting a legit high. I'm guesstimating here, but I took enough in theory to make this work like speed. It did NOT.

I've taken 10mg doses of pseudoephedrine before that were enough to keep me awake for 12 hours comfortably. It is therefore more cost-effective for a body high / comfortable stimulation (like a cup of morning coffee) to just buy real sudafed that contains pseudoephedrine. Wikipedia is right. Phenylephrine is a suckish placebo.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85880
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 24, 2011Views: 22,003
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Pharms - Phenylephrine (219) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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