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No Longer Reality
Salvia divinorum (15x extract)
by Sam
Citation:   Sam. "No Longer Reality: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (15x extract) (exp86177)". Jul 31, 2019.

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I never heard of Salvia until a few months ago. People always said that you probably shouldn't do it and its pretty intense. Well a couple nights ago I decided to do a little research on it. I read a lot of experience stories and was trying to get as much facts and information as I could before I actually went out and bought it.

Today I bought some. When I first tried it...I didn't feel anything. I got frustrated and wondered why after seeing and hearing about everyone tripping out on it. I did some more research and realized it could of been one of two things. One...I was immune to it or two I was lighting it wrong. So I grabbed it again and held the flame the whole time I was inhaling.

By the time I counted to about 20, everything went completely black. It felt as if I fainted and I was conscious but wasn't able to see nothing. Then I saw this giant white room except the top left was like a black object covering the whole top left side. As I got sucked closer into it I realized that it was a bunch of strands of colors and things (kind of like if you look at a T.V really see all the lines and you step back and it makes one big picture). Well in this world I was part of those lines and everything I have every felt or experienced before was not reality. I made the mistake of leaving a Youtube video playing and it was a guy on Salvia and I heard that guys sitter saying 'are you okay?' 'why are you on the floor?' and in my universe I thought that he was talking to me.

I became sad that everything I have ever known was a lie
I became sad that everything I have ever known was a lie
and I was nothing more than just a strand in one big picture. My sitter kept calling my name and I finally heard him. I was able to see a tiny bit around the actual room in reality. Everything was so off though. I looked at a poster on the wall and remember saying 'I know this! Its real!' and those posters were the only thing that pulled me more into reality. After being able to see more of the room it thought I kept hitting my face on the side of the desk..I could actually feel it. I didn't understand why my sitter wouldn't stop me. I got up and went into the other room and started to realize more of reality but was still on a very bad trip. At this point, about 20 minutes have gone by. I was looking around and had to keep moving so I would 'float away' and become part of that giant picture. Even at this point, I didn't know what was real and what to believe. I grabbed my phone and started texting...this helped me try to see that that was reality. After about 50 minutes of confusion and tripping I finally calmed down. Then around an hour and 10 minutes I was almost completely normal.

I don't know why my trip lasted so long but I wish it didn't. It was one of the most scariest things I have every experienced in life. I have never felt so alone and helpless. For the most part I'm glad I did it because I see things in a different light, I now am very very grateful to exist and be a part of this world. And like I read in someone else experience...I really could not prepare myself for what happens.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86177
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 823
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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