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Into the World for the First Time
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   Newcommer. "Into the World for the First Time: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp86601)". Erowid.org. Jan 22, 2011. erowid.org/exp/86601

10 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (fresh)
I will start of by saying this was my first trip on anything besides marijuana. I live in a boarding and we have a San Pedro cactus in the school. I started researching psychoactive plants not too long before I found it, so some friends and I took it and prepared it to eat. We ate it raw as we did not have the proper utensils to cook it properly and I read it is useable raw. It is very hard to get down. I took me about an hour to get it all down but I got the most down out of all my friends.

After about an hour and a half of nausea I couldn't hold it down anymore and threw up but then instantaneously as I threw up I felt as if I was being cleansed of everything bad inside me and the toilet was a deep never ending pit that absorbs all evil. I then started seeing little I guess cartoonish figures in the design in the wall in the bathroom, almost like cave drawings. Everything was breathing; the floors were pulsating and contracting. I saw some colors and geometric shapes but nothing so special… then we decided to go outside. At this point I was listening to music; music really influences the visuals I perceived. When we finally went outside we were walking to a field of grass on my campus and I noticed every tiny little piece of grass and every leaf on a tree and felt connected and one with all. I also noticed while I was walking I didn’t feel like I was walking I felt like I was hovering and gliding across everything. Then we got to the field of grass and I decided to lie down then everybody soon followed. I was looking at the stars and it was like I could see which stars were closer and which were farther. I saw the depth of all the stars. I saw lines connected all the stars like constellations and it was like the universe was curving (literally and figuratively).

At times I just gazed into the endless universe and other times I closed my eyes and explored my mind. One very distinct visual I remember when my eyes were closed was there was a small lion engulfed inside a ball yet he was very free. He was more golden and majestic than most lions are and the ball was blue with a royal gold around it. Around that there were a countless number of various shapes and colors but all perfectly aligned. Everything was dancing harmonically and moving, the colors were bright and vivid and neon. Another very interesting thing that I visualized was random letters floating around, not forming any words just simply floating but it was in patterns of 3 letters in a continuous never ending line one above another. Whenever I looked in the mirror it felt like i was manifested by something other than myself and I got very emotional. When I finally tried going to sleep I was bombarded by open eye visuals of geometric shapes and colors as well as things looking different to me but me still knowing exactly what they are. The smallest things were fascinating like for a little child.

All in all this seemed to me like a divine experience although I do not fully comprehend what I saw or felt. Its like doors opened to a new world. I probably got around 4 hours of sleep maximum. This was definitely and experience I will remember probably forever.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86601
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 22, 2011Views: 4,537
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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