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Tripping I in the Beach House
2C-I, Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   anon646260. "Tripping I in the Beach House: An Experience with 2C-I, Cannabis & Alcohol (exp86820)". Jun 18, 2021.

1 capsl oral 2C-I
    repeated oral Alcohol
    smoked Cannabis
I was given a gift of 2C-I, and decided to share the wealth with a group of friends who had never tried it before. I'd been keen to the i before at festivals, and it always made my experience happier and fuller. It didn't seem like a bad idea to share with others. After telling them it was a designer/synthetic substance, and explaining the effects I'd felt, three people agreed to consume, including the host and her 'protector' (?lolz).

The doses I had been gifted were heavier than expected, I didn't realize this until the 3 other people had eaten them, kind of a cosmic 'oh oh... I'm feeling the turning of this planet a little bit too much.' We were consuming alcohol, which I'd never mixed with the substance before, and cannabis. I started feeling very inebriated, and lost. I saw one of the individuals was sitting next to me and appeared to be quite content. The other, a female, was running around lost in her head inside the house. The third was also another female, she pleasently sat and smoked joint after joint after joint of cannabis.

Eventually most of the people were kicked out of the house, and only 3 of us remained. One of the individuals dosed went home, she supposedly spent some time with her family. Was it a good experience for them? No clue, was not allowed to converse with said individual, ostrization/demonisation begins.

It is here that I believe the psyches of the two formulate that I am trying to hurt them, which is senseless because I am just as faced if not more, than they are. The doses on these caps are totally off, too heavy.
The doses on these caps are totally off, too heavy.
I'm trying to make sense of the world, and converse with them. It's difficult, and many things said are miscontrued due to what I'd call pre-empt filters that demonize.

Tensions started running high, as I am afraid paranoia set into my fellow psychonauts. It was clear that other senseless drama was getting in between the psychedelic experience and us. At this time I decided to go to the beach, the male followed. We continued to drink, the amounts of alcohol consumed by all were just extravagant. I wouldn't recommend drinking with 2C-I. He went back to the house to 'lay down.'

I layed down on the beach, melting into the sand. I stared up into the heavens and melted my being into the whole of creation. It was so bebautiful, it was so majestic. I'm entranced by the waves and the air, suddenly theres a loud beeping noise.

At this time, I was getting texted from the girl in the house, who was losing it asking if it was ever going to end. Of course it was going to end, what kind of a stupid question was that? Regardless, I merely answered 'come to the beach, it is beautiful, you will enjoy it... you need it.' It was quickly shut down by both of them due to fear of police and who knows what else. As I said, paranoia, demonization.

Eventually, after a VERY HEAVY vodka drink, and a bottle of wine which I consumed moslty by myself, I passed out on the beach. I did not feel welcome at the home of my fellow trippers, they just freaked me out with their paranoia and bad vibes. It seemed like they were throwing themselves into a bad trip, though it was understandable since the dosage was so high on these, but no matter how I tried to calm them down and talk them into a different place, they wouldn't have it, it's like they wanted to have a bad trip. So I was a beach bum.

When I woke up, I was waist deep in the ocean, doing some yoga type exercise, with all of my tobacco, cellphone, and goods in my pockets submerged. Doing yoga (I don't know what it was, could have been tai-chi, I was tripping face and my body was just moving to the sunrise), I then noticed a bunch of people coming to the beach, and decided to vacate. Guess I was getting kind of paranoid too.

I made it back to the house, realizing I was just as faced as the night before. I asked the two in the house how they felt, all they had to say was 'you're still here?' I again tried to liven things up, all I could get from them was 'internalize yourself!'

We hung out in silence, it was very weird. They seemed totally off, and I was too... No one was expecting it to last this long, or be this strong. Especially not I, last thing I needed was to stay this long with these two uptight individuals who had before pretended to be cool. Or so it seemed. Paranoia. Obviously, anally retentive individuals were anally retentive, and not much was said from them.

Eventually I tried to make myself come down. They wanted me to leave. I had tried to stay with them for as long as possible since I felt responsible for their being in said state. Though to no avail, they wanted me gone. Faced off the world, they conned me into getting in my car, behind the wheel, with an open bottle of Vodka in the trunk, and sent me on my merry way home. I would normally not do this, but they had made it clear that they were leaving the house and so was I. Later on I found out they just did that to get me into my car. Wow, talk about reckless. Like I said, in a normal circumstance, I would not drive my car under those conditions EVER. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
My drive was intense. The road was warping, several times I felt like just pulling over, but not being near any place that I knew, I opted not too. I was very afraid at this point, and didn't think I would make it home. I kept wondering why I had left?

When I got home I just layed down, and listened to some music. I spent the next 24 hours coming down from what could have been one of the best i trips I had ever taken, had it not been for the unnecesary drama, due to lack of knowledge on the proper dosage administered to individuals not used to the drug.

On the other hand, I've been accused of attempting to mentally damage someone. I wouldn't want to wish that upon my worst enemy.

The gifter called me a week later, and told me that the doses were heavy, and to be careful. He didn't want any of my friends, or myself, getting too zonked out. Unfortunately the warning came too late, and now those friendships and bonds are lost to a haze of drugged out paranoic and senseless banter.

what has been learned:

low dose new people who are trying 2C-I

if high dose occurs, be ready for happiness or paranoia. Both states are very common.

High doses like we had lasted 48 hours, too much for some.

Hang out and trip with people you trust, not think you trust, cos they might shove you into a car while you are tripping face and pretty much commit murder, or be accomplices to. Luckily no one was seriously hurt, except for a couple of egos that will surely mend themselves with some booze and sex.

I learned that people who aren't willing to let go, are sometimes the scariest, because they are so wrapped up in themselves, that the ego loss becomes something they fight to the end. Much like the girl from that night, who was hearing voices in her head, and had to fight them off. It was sad to lose these friends, but life had other plans for us.

this trip experience was written whilst tripping on LSD

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86820
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 18, 2021Views: 411
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Multi-Day Experience (13), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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