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Excellent Herb
Citation:   sammysunset. "Excellent Herb: An Experience with Mugwort (exp86951)". Mar 8, 2018.

1 cig. smoked Mugwort (dried)
I have been experimenting with many smokeable herbs recently (mostly Damiana, Red Clover, Marshmallow Leaf, Spearmint Leaf, etc.) and had heard a great deal about Mugwort. I had heard about it before ever getting into smoking it, but knew very little.

I started my herb smoking endeavors about 2 months ago, when I discovered a local herb shop. Before then, I'd smoked some 'spice blends,' which got my interest in other, legal smokeable herbs. I research every single herb extensively before smoking it, and read about the many benefits of Mugwort. One thing I also read, that I don't think a lot of people realize, is that Mugwort has been proven to cause fetal death [no citation]. I, being a strapping young lad, have not ever been (nor am likely to ever be) pregnant so I knew I was safe.

I knew a lot about the benefits of Damiana, and saw that Mugwort had many medicinal uses, so I bought some at my local herb shop and gave it a shot. I rolled it into a cigarette (for ease of smoking) and lit it up. Right away, I noticed that Mugwort is very smooth and doesn't have a strong flavor. The soft leaves burn easily, but not too hot or quickly (in contrast to Damiana, which burns with the heat of a thousand suns). It was a pleasant smoke.

I noticed the usual array of herb-induced sensations: slight euphoria, general sense of well being, lethargy. I get these reactions to many, many different herbs I've smoked
I noticed the usual array of herb-induced sensations: slight euphoria, general sense of well being, lethargy. I get these reactions to many, many different herbs I've smoked
and it seems to be the usual fare.

What I wasn't prepared for was the drowsiness. I was not remotely sleepy before smoking, but soon afterward found it very difficult to keep my eyes open. Upon analyzing this, I suddenly found myself waking up 2 hours later, fully rested. I went from not even needing a nap to sleeping better than I have in weeks in just 2 hours. I had not consumed anything else since coffee earlier in the day and perhaps some tobacco an hour or so beforehand. I could only deduce that the drowsy effects were from the Mugwort.

I have since used Mugwort on numerous other occasions to the same effect. Mugwort seems to be a very effective sleep aid! At least, for me.

I still put together my own herbal smoke blends, and may make a blend that uses Mugwort.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86951
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Mar 8, 2018Views: 6,476
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Mugwort (292) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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