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Dohka - Powerful Arabian Tobacco
Tobacco (Dohka)
by Kura
Citation:   Kura. "Dohka - Powerful Arabian Tobacco: An Experience with Tobacco (Dohka) (exp87520)". Jul 26, 2011.

1 bowl smoked Tobacco (dried)
I have recently acquired a tobacco called dokha which is quite popular in the U.A.E. This tobacco is traditionally smoked in a pipe called a midwakh. This tobacco is the most potent I have experienced yet.

It is morning, I have eaten a small breakfast and drank 0.5 liters of water. I load up my midwakh which holds a very small amount of dohka, the bowl holds an amount approximately the size of one's finger tip.

In it's container the dokha smells reminiscent of tea, very earthy with a subtle sweetness. As I light the bowl, I note that the smoke is rather harsh yet not unbearable. I take around 3 puffs, holding each in my lungs for 2 seconds. At this point the 'dokha effect' makes itself known. A strong head rush occurs which is not unlike the head rush associated with cannabis. After this subsides my limbs feel heavy and I feel a numbing sensation in my face. These effects subside after about 15 minutes and the rest of the day I feel an afterglow of sorts, feeling relaxed and pleasant.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87520
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2011Views: 20,135
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Tobacco (47) : General (1), Alone (16)

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