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Lucky to Be Alive
Bupropion (Wellbutrin XL)
by JF
Citation:   JF. "Lucky to Be Alive: An Experience with Bupropion (Wellbutrin XL) (exp87541)". Oct 28, 2010.

900 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion
I would NEVER advise to use this drug recreationally. Here's my expierence:

6:30AM-I Wake up
6:45AM-I Take 6 Wellbutrin XL (Bopropion,150mg)(900mg)
7:00AM-I felt confident and ready for the day
8:00AM-I feel a little light headed, everything seemed okay
9:00AM-I Stand up to go to my next class and nearly fall due to a headrush
9:30AM-I feel shakey, mainly my hands and feet
9:45AM-I was talking to a classmate
*9:46AM-From this time until about 10:30 I remember nothing.

What I heard happened during my 45 Minute black out was that I had layed my head down, and rested for about 3 Minutes, at this point I started shaking violently (I bit holes in my tongue), the shaking was a Myoclonic seizure, while seizuring I also started vomiting blood, this may have been from my wounded tongue, but regardless I vomitted several times. ((I DO NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING, TOTAL BLACKOUT))
10:25-11AM-I remember getting the I.V put in me
10:30AM-I become conscious being rushed around a hospital
10:30-11:30AM-I take several blood tests and, urine test
*(While I was given the urine test I could not pee, full bladder, but I simply couldn't get it out)
*11:30AM-12PM-It is mandatory to hold seizure patients for a 12 hour watch, during this time I was on an IV for several hours.

I just got home about a hour ago, and I felt it was appropriate to inform as many people as I can. It is absolutely the worst expierience of my life, if you're going to do drugs don't do anything thinking it's totally safe. I wouldn't even suggest trying this drug, it doesn't seem to have any positive effects.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87541
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Oct 28, 2010Views: 11,429
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Pharms - Bupropion (87) : School (35), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27)

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