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Disco Bunnies At A Rock Camp
Citation:   Sanigurosu. "Disco Bunnies At A Rock Camp: An Experience with 2C-B (exp88891)". Jan 9, 2018.

  oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
    insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
My boyfriend (let's call him E) and me had never before ingested a psychedelic drug, but had an urge to try it. Never did we imagine something as crazy as the 2c-b trip we were just about to have.

We were at a rock camp, and I had just arrived from my town to party with E. He had been high on amphetamine, weed and alcohol since the day before, and was pretty worn out. Yet he supported my idea of taking 2c-b. But the problem was – I had an unknown dose of 2c-b (long story...). Anyway, we met 2 other friends; O & T. I showed them my drug and they were just as excited. So we just split the drug in 4 and ingested it .O insufflated all of it, E and me ingested 80%, and insufflated the rest, and T ingested it all orally. We were a bit drunk all of us, so we didn't take our time to care much about the dose and its consequences.

The first hour, I was sure this was as crazy as it could get. It was fun, colors were bright, sounds sounded weird. And as full of drugs the camp was I took my time to smoke some weed as well. As I sat there, suddenly the tent beside me started moving as if there was a strong breeze, but there was no wind. I looked at my hand, and long tracers appeared behind it. I freaked out, and looked around me. The trees were pulsating – they were truly alive. The grass was packed with yellow flowers, and the mountains were melting as if they were made of water. I felt like I was in a snowglobe, and that everything I saw was the world, like an isolated dimension. The whole world was Åndalsnes. As I lay on the ground I saw several insects. Normally I'm freakishly afraid of insects – especially bees, but now they were just beautiful. I just lay there watching them, and I knew they weren't going to hurt me. 1 ½ hour had now passed since I took the drug.

I looked up in the sky, and it was composed of simultaneous geometric colorful visuals resembling dices and bunnies in neon colors. I closed my eyes, and the same visuals appeared, only with a black background. It was so intense, I couldn't escape from the trip. Soon I was trapped in eternity, where time did not flow right. I looked at the clock and it was 20:00. Seconds later it was 19:50. And seconds later after that half an hour had passed. Yet for me, time did not flow at all. As I desperately counted seconds one by one to make sure I still was sane my boyfriend made me go for a walk. A helicopter flied across the sky, and as I looked up the visuals in the sky changed according to its sound. It felt like I could see the helicopter's sound waves.

As me and E walked around the camp, things started to become better, but from this point on I don't remember much other than meeting people, watching O yell “2c-b ftw!!!!!!”, looking totally retarded and trying to act drunk. The whole fun started from this point on, but nothing worth mentioning as how to describe a 2c-b trip. As the trip subsided after 4 hours I went to sleep.

The day after I found out that there were no yellow flowers at the camp. Nor did anyone think me and E were just drunk. People obviously had been making fun of us behind our backs, mimicking our behavior and so on... x) And as amazing my trip might sound, for me it was a relatively uncomfortable experience, as there was no control over the hallucinations. Next time I will definitely use a scale, not the eye as a means for measuring... I am pretty sure that I took too much, and my mates were even further out in la-la-land than me.

But the next time I come over 2c-b I think I will try it again, because I really want to enjoy it as the wonderful drug it is.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88891
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 823
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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