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Utter Bliss
Citation:   Blizzy. "Utter Bliss: An Experience with 2C-I (exp89485)". Sep 27, 2018.

20 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
  20 mg insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
One of the greatest trips I’ve ever had was with 2C-I. I must admit, I’m writing this report years after it happened. I was reading the some of the reports on 2C-I and I was inspired to tell my story.

Before this experience I had only really tripped once in my life. Now I can say I have put many more adventures under my belt, but before this experience I had only taken one not-so-good tab of acid. Now please bare with me, for it has been a long time since I’ve thought about this, but I think I can remember most of the details. It all started when 2C-I hit my town. Everyone was doing it. I had a friend, lets call him EZ, him and I have been real close friends for a while and smoke weed and drank together all of the time. I asked him if I could stay at his house and try it. He has tried it a few times before and eagerly agrees and purchases the goods. I got to his house and got comfortable. He has an awesome room with great warm lighting that instant puts you in a calm mood. We then just got straight to it and took on capsule (20mg). I’m unsure what we did next. We must’ve watched a movie or was on his computer for an hour and a half or so. He had already started tripping by that point. I hadn’t really felt much at all. I was really anxious at first. I wanted this trip to be awesome from the get-go. I had really good vibes all day and couldn’t wait to try it. However, a plan was in place in case of something like this. We got 80mg just incase we wanted to trip harder. Now everyone I talked to about it said that they took 20mg and tripped really hard. So I was very confused when I hadn’t really felt much at all by this point. The pill cracked and the line was made already. We decided that if all else failed we would snort a 20. This was my first time really snorting anything either. The line was done with ease. In less than a couple minutes I started tripping extremely fast. I felt like I was going to shoot into the sky. But most of all.. I felt amazing.

From here on in I just have specific memories from the night. I did not black out, and I’m sure I could’ve wrote a complete report If I knew about this site then. My first memory were my real first hallucinations from the drug. Shortly after the second 20 was snorted I started seeing awesome hallucinations. My friends room had awesome hand-layed stone walls, awesome wooden rafters hanging, and a brandnew super dark tan carptet. I remember looking at the walls and just watching the stones morph endlessly, soon turning into faces, pictures (all just out of stone). My first real fit of laughter struck when my feet finally felt the carpet. Tan Sea anemone tentacles took the place of the carpet. I looked at my foot and thought that they wanted to eat it at first. All of the strands of carpet around my foot, pointed towards my foot. But then it just started to tickle and I couldn’t stop laughing. I then just looked and laughed as I watched the tan sea anemones sway in the current of the ocean. My friend then decides its time to have a cigarette. He guided me well that night. Stepping outside was beautiful every time we went for a smoke. During the peak of the trip The treetops were just dancing all around me and the snow was forming into beautiful patterns in the snow, all the while tracing swirling patterns with a cig. I remember one time when we walked back into the house, I was tripping hardcore off of his floor. A small part of the floor was old concrete. Ants seemed to be pouring out of one crack. I was disgusted at first, and worried about how clean the rest of the room was. “look a little closer” said EZ. I really focused on the ants while standing and realized they were just small dots scurrying on the ground. I got lower and lower but the little specs of black paint all over the floor keep swerving in and out of each other, all radiating to and from the crack. That blew me away. I was really comfortable with the visuals about halfway in (around 1 oclock or so in the morning). We sat down and watched youtube videos and played with his new kitten. I forgot to mention this but this cat was so great. Just looking at a kitten makes you feel amazing, try it.

I was tripping too hard to sit up right now so we decided to fold out his futon so we could just lay down. As soon as I laid down I felt incredible. This is were my favorite part of the trip began. First the kitten jumped on my stomach as I laid down and just started to purr.. I swear this killed me. I literally picked up the kitten. Looked it in the eyes and proceeded to cry at the beauty and innocence of this creature. EZ also cried because of the cat earlier in the night. EZ put on some music and we both just laid there. I remember instinctively closing my eyes. The music just sent me to another world. And I felt like I was at the peak of an orgasm for the next two hours. Honestly the thought crossed my mind that I should be a little embarrassed feeling like this laying in bed with one of my best friends, but that quickly passed. It felt too good to care. I felt myself smiling as I listened and felt my way through this new world I was in. There were super bright lines morphing as I flew past them. I loss sense of time and of my presence in EZ’s room after this and, I spent the majority of the next two just smiling, feeling amazing, and traveling through my super bright, manifested world. My eyes suddenly went went, as if I was staring into the brightest spotlight a foot away. I opened them and realized how much time passed. My friend was just up staring at the walls, deeply in thought. We just talked, reflected, and relaxed as we both starting coming down around 5 or 6 in the morning. I remember we turned the lights off to try to sleep. And as a brotherly tradition turned pink-floyd on to sleep.. I was instantly shot back to that world with the bright lines and waves of amazement pulsed through my body. I know it sounds corny but the the dark side of the moon really heightened my trip again when I was really coming down. The feelings pulsed slower and slower as the cd progressed and I drifted off to sleep..

Obviously this was more of a fun trip. I didn’t really go to deep into my mind or get caught in any thought traps. But to this day it was one of my favorites. And I would do it again if I ever get my hands on it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 89485
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 27, 2018Views: 731
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2C-I (172) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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