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Calm All Around
Citation:   Opiator. "Calm All Around: An Experience with Codeine (exp89952)". Erowid.org. Oct 22, 2020. erowid.org/exp/89952

180 mg oral Codeine (extract)
A little info before the actual report.

I crushed up 6 30mg/300mg Codeine/Acetaminophen tablets, and used the Cold Water Extraction(CWE) method to get rid of most if not all the acetaminophen contained in the tablets.

Drank the filtered liquid at 1:50 PM on an empty stomach.

T+0:10 Feeling of heaviness and relaxation starts to set in. I find it harder to get up due to wanting to stay in one position. A bit of itchiness in the head. Tingling comes in waves in certain parts of the body like arms and legs and fingers as I type.

T+0:15 Pulsating feeling in head. Feeling of heaviness gets stronger.

T+0:25 Feel extremely relaxed at this point. Feeling of happiness all around, easier to talk to people. Itchiness continues but moves from body part to body part. Started at head, then moved to armpits and is currently on shoulders now.

T+0:30 Started to listen to some music (RHCP,Pink Floyd,The Who).
I find that if the music is more calm it intensifies my feelings of relaxation and if it's a bit fast it gives me an euphoric feeling. Itchiness went away.

T+0:50 Feelings of hunger start to become more apparent. I don't think it's due to the codeine tough as I haven't eaten anything since I woke up.

T+1:10 Started to get stomach pains and a bit of nausea. Decided to eat a sandwich and both feelings went away. Codeine seems to make eating more enjoyable as well.Itchiness came back.

T+1:20 Finished eating. Relaxation still present, comes in waves of intense and then calm although the feeling is always present.

T+1:35 Feelings of relaxation are starting to become less strong but still present.

T+2:10 Feelings of relaxation almost completely gone. I still feel calm but I know the effects are almost all gone. However the
feelings go back to being a bit stronger if I lay down in bed.

T+2:30 Feelings have almost completely gone away, and now I got the hiccups.

Overall it was a very pleasant experience, I had more pills available and was tempted of doing another round but since opiates can be highly addictive I decided not to.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89952
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 22, 2020Views: 1,121
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Codeine (14) : General (1), Personal Preparation (45), Unknown Context (20)

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