Climbing a Mountain
MDMA, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   Journeyz. "Climbing a Mountain: An Experience with MDMA, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp89964)". Oct 15, 2022.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:00 1 capsl oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis  
My first experience with Ecstasy did not turn out the way I had planned. I bought two capsules from my roommate (let’s call him Derek), one for myself and the other for my girlfriend. I paid $40 total, and received two plastic-like capsules with, literally, 2-4 pinches of a white powder. I was told that Molly is a pure form of MDMA, without the opiates or cocaine. The plan was to take them with my lady, go to a dance party and dance our asses off, then come home and explore in the bedroom…if you know what I mean. Well for one reason or another, the timing was just never there. Who would’ve thought that academics are to be prioritized over drug exploration in college.

A month goes by and spring break is a week away. Me, my lady, my roommates and other IU friends join up with the KU clan to rage in Panama City for spring break. Just about every hour of the trip we were either high or drunk. I’m not too sure if my heavy drug consumption impacted my experience with the molly later in the week or what I experienced was normal. When we finally decide to roll the plans of the night are to go dancing all night. We had been taking a couple shots before then, but weren’t even close to drunk. One of my roommates (let’s call him Jon) found a pill of ecstasy from Derek. This was Jon’s first time with ecstasy as well. My lady was the only experienced one out of the bunch. I have tripped shrooms and LSD once each and both times Jon was there tripping too. My lady has tripped several times at various musical festivals. So all of us knew to release all expectations and let whatever happen happen.

+ 0 mins: We swallow the pills instead of snorting. I don’t like things going up my nose. With that being said digestion of course plays a key factor, but all had relatively empty stomachs in preparation for the trip. No effects.

+ 30 min: We walked to a karaoke bar instead of a club, because some people were not old enough to get in some clubs. We are having a good time. I drink a couple of beers, because I don’t feel any effects. I was in a great mood, singing songs, laughing and joking with friends. Still no effect.

+ 1hr: We hear of a bar that allows 18+ so we walk there. There ain’t much walking in Panama City Beach. There’s a cover band playing various songs. The bar has taken down the plastic walls to let a cooling breeze in, because the place is packed wall to wall. We finally get to dance to danceable music, but there still aren’t any effects. We gave up completely on the molly and just had a good time.

+3 hr: It’s now about 3-3:30ish. The bars are closing, we had a great time and forgot all about the molly. Call it a good night. We went back to the hotel and smoked a couple bowls and got ready for bed. We all sat around talking about relationships, school, graduating, etc.

Suddenly I feel this wave of heat starting from the inside out, from my head to my toes. I take off my socks because it’s hot. Then I get extremely cold and put my socks back on, but the cold is down to the bone and I start to shiver. I don’t tell anybody because I wasn’t sure what was happening. At one point I thought I was dying because my chest got heavy at times and I actually noticed my breath and had to actively breathe, instead of it being an involuntary action. I had a wave of nausea and went to the bathroom, but couldn’t barf so I helped my gag reflex. I thought that I might have eaten something bad (I had seafood at a Chinese buffet). I lie down and try to calm down, but everybody started to notice me shivering. I say that I’m freezing and my lady touches me and says I feel normal. She takes me to the shower and sits in the shower with me while hot water is running. I ask her to take me to the hospital and without hesitation she says ok. We ask for directions to a hospital and we’re on our way. On the way there she pulls over in a parking lot and asks if I’m sure about going to a hospital. She explains to me that maybe the molly is kicking in and I wasn’t expecting it to. She explains how the temperature sensitivity can feel like a quiver like when someone kisses your belly button area and it tickles. She touches me and my whole body cringes, because I am so sensitive to touch. While she explains this a cop parks beside us. We unknowingly parked in a BANK PARKING LOT. She calmly says “My boyfriend isn’t feeling too well. You know spring break.” The cop laughs and says be safe. My girl is the shiznit. The cop says “Yeh that’s spring break for you. Be safe.” And pulls off.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
When my girl gets back in the car she says “my god I am fucking rolling”. She pulls off and we have no idea where we’re going. I am too comfortable in the back seat to hop up front and felt like I was comfortably surrounded, but not in a suffocating way…kinda like being embraced. I remembered rubbing her scalp and losing myself in the sensation and getting so much pleasure out of just holding her hand and rubbing her arm. My lady is driving the wrong way down a one way and finally figures that out (cops are never where they need to be). I cared but only enough to tell her which way to go, but not scared enough to move. We call my roommate and ask if he is feeling anything, and he is rolling his balls off so we pick him up. He was third wheeling, but we didn’t want him to feel left out. Besides being in a group was such a blast.

+4-4.5 hrs.: We go to the only place open that late at night…Walmart. I don’t remember much except that it was really bright and all the reds were so beautiful it made me laugh. Everything was a blur because we were having so much it seemed like we were everywhere at once. We told jokes and I’ll never remember the joke, but I laughed to the point that I was drooling. At this time there was no time. We do eventually head back to the hotel and smoke another bowl. But the effects of the molly was still going strong. I think J’s ecstasy was wearing off. But my girlfriend and I couldn’t sleep at all. We went in the bathroom, laid a towel down and made mind-blowing love. I was completely lost in her as we rocked back and forth. The entire time felt like an orgasm there was no sudden orgasm. Next thing I remember is waking up on top of her with drool hanging from the side of my lip and pooled on her breast. We shower and go to bed.

Day-after: I felt drained, but not to the point of sleepiness or depression. We just felt like lounging and smoking Kentucky’s finest.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89964
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Oct 15, 2022Views: 420
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol (61), MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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