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Pleasant Experience
Yerba Mate
Citation:   balzer. "Pleasant Experience: An Experience with Yerba Mate (exp89974)". Mar 11, 2020.

4 hits smoked Yerba Mate
So I had a bag of yerba mate loose leaf tea laying around and I had the urge to smoke something because I'm taking a break from weed so I smoked a little.

I was pretty sleepy before I smoked it and after I was wide awake but not overcaffinated and jittery. Overall there's a heightened alertness, energy, and focus. There were noticable visual effects. I dont know how to explain them but I noteced them. I have an optical illusion poster on my wall. It is looking at it is more intense than if I hadnt of smoke id. And music sounds more interesting.

Overall a good experience, I wouldnt say I got high, just a sort of very mild buzz. Wouldnt mind doing so in the mornings when I'm tired.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89974
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Mar 11, 2020Views: 1,405
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Yerba Mate (282) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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