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48-Hour Nightmare
Products - Bath Salts
by Red
Citation:   Red. "48-Hour Nightmare: An Experience with Products - Bath Salts (exp90214)". Feb 24, 2017.

  insufflated Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (powder / crystals)
So until 29 I partied, ex, coke, shrooms, and daily drink and weed...the usual. 29, clean up 100% OK.

After 3 years of absolute sobriety and fitness I decide to get high again, and find 'legal weed' online cheaper than my cigar shop. They have the 'bath salts' I've heard about, and knew it was speed of some kind. I got two 500mg packets for 40$. It shows up in my mailbox thursday morning. I waited a while, then chopped a bump, and (used to do coke) didn't feel much right away so I did more.

I have never been more psychotically horny in my life. Within 24 hours of trying this drug I literally hooked up with guys online and had my first gay experience, and a terrifying reckless one at that. (I have been straight my whole life) This is a POWERFUL drug. I thank god beyond god that I tried this during my sobriety (a lil relapse) or it would be BAD.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90214
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Feb 24, 2017Views: 1,815
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Products - Bath Salts, Plant Food, etc (521) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2)

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