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A Chilled Afternoon But Not Much Else
6-APB ('Benzo Fury')
Citation:   mightaswell. "A Chilled Afternoon But Not Much Else: An Experience with 6-APB ('Benzo Fury') (exp90824)". Erowid.org. Aug 10, 2011. erowid.org/exp/90824

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral 6-APB
  T+ 3:00 100 mg oral 6-APB
I've got a bit of experience with general stimulant and downers and quite a few 'research chemicals'. So after the almost constant year-long publicity campaign for 'benzo fury' I got some off a trusted source. I'd just come back from the royal wedding and was looking for something to do for a couple of hours.

T=0 I bombed 100mg
T= +2.20 I feel the first real effects they're quite subtle at the start and then it has a MDAI-like body load but without the bad side effects
T= +2.40 I'm now at a +2 level (its obvious but I can still function and its not my reality etc.) The visuals are 2-CE like so intensification of colour the walls are interesting hues etc.
T= +3.00 I get the feeling its leveling off and its still far too relaxed, after all the hype I wanna see what it can do! So I bomb the remaining 100mg in two 50mg bombs.
T= +4.00 its becoming more of a background effect now I dont know how I could possibly have developed a tolerence so quickly but I haven't felt any real noticable effects from the other 100mg yet.
T= +5.00 I'm just watching this film the human centipede for the last hour it's pretty fucked up but I couldn't stop laughing at it so kinda of a mellow high in that kinda way.
T= +7.00 I'm completely down and have been for way too long maybe for the last hour and a half or so.

Also I only really noticed this in retrospect but I was really relaxed and just confident but in a chilled out way, mainly because of that I would order this again. The high I got from it however wasn't anything really special and not the MD replacement as the vendors say, but finding out that vendors lie isn't anything new it's just a bit disappointing. Overall it was medium to mild and interesting I couldn't imagine taking this in a club on its own but nevertheless it's worth a try on a lazy sunday.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90824
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Aug 10, 2011Views: 13,761
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6-APB (516) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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