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Not Quite as Fun as the Spaceman Recalls
Citation:   mewmew. "Not Quite as Fun as the Spaceman Recalls: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp91296)". Erowid.org. Dec 3, 2020. erowid.org/exp/91296

T+ 0:00
0.5 mg sublingual Pharms - Clonazepam  
  T+ 4:00 30 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 4:10 10 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
It's been quite a few years (over a decade in fact) since I had first played in the playpen known as 5-MeO-DMT. When originally going into the great 'White Out' the group of three lab rats were used to adminstration while consumming Ketamine, which may be why it didn't seem as awe inspiring as the first time around. However, given that those original trips were some of the most spiritually awakening I have ever encountered, and I was offered the chance to go back, how could I refuse some more RnR, much less on Memorial Day weekend?

Being of intolerable neophyte level of education in the land of triptamines back in 1999 didn't help me quite understand the magnitude of what was being shown at any level of psycho-dynamics. Even reading/learning what I did from the THIKAL/PHIKAL vaults back then did help, but it took quite a bit of time to take it all in. Did not help in the slightest that the three lab rats weren't exactly measuring out (I know, god awful children. Don't do this, ever.) our dosages, and obviously were not quite at a level of maturity to appreciate fully what we were given an opportunity to play with, and surely we did.

I first administered a dosage Saturday night, however, I blanked out for a good twenty minutes and didn't find that worth even merriting a dosage post. The only noticable trace of the experience I recall was closed eye intense visuals of mandala/almost spider web like patterns with eyes. Yes, thanks CoSM for sneaking into my subconscious now. Also the following day I did have quite a bit more empathy than I remember, with a bit of extra color sneaking into my visual field. Not quite the mind blowing first time to the rodeo affair but still was kinda nice.

Deciding that I didn't want to waste the only other dosage I had, I waited til Monday to administer the 2nd capsule. What struck me as odd was the color variation between the 2 time periods. From what I've read the original dosages (ten years ago) was most likely to be synthetic, with the off-color white fine powder versus this time around the 5-Meo-DMT was definately alot darker (brownish) and didn't seem nearly as finely processed as the original (almost seemed a little fluffier for lack of a better concept). However, that damn taste and smell of melting plastic certainly didn't change!

Having the house to myself, I took my daily dosage of clonazepam, and administered the dosage around 1pm. Nothing. Nadda. Zilch. I decided to wait quite a bit of time before trying to hit the bowl again (4+ hours), assuming I had missed most of the dosage. Partner got home with some a few roxicets, and being a tad disapointed with the lack of activity earlier, blew one to relax.

About 5-10mins after the oxycodone kicked in, I decided that I was in a much better mood and decided to try to find that missing hit floating in the bowl. And sometimes, you do find what you look for. The rush was just like it had been so many moons ago, but a little less intense (lack of Ketamine + other depressants obviously). Also, no white light, yet was definitely on the receiving end of feeling like the wind had been knocked out of me as in previous experiences! Definitely closed eye visuals including cosmological images straight out of the NASA APOD, which was rather nice touch. Sadly partner didn't understand how I would be zonked back quite a bit and got a bit manic and the energy was definately interfering with the voyage outwardsly-in.

Hopefully can get a touch more and try to get to that magic white light bliss of my youth on my next outing into the play pen I remember as being some of the most awe inspiring intense trips. Outside of that John C. Lilly stuff, but that is another entry.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91296
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Dec 3, 2020Views: 824
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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