22 Hour Experience
Citation:   ABlindGuy. "22 Hour Experience: An Experience with 2C-E (exp92112)". Erowid.org. Mar 21, 2020. erowid.org/exp/92112

60 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I’m sitting in my dorm room looking at the softgel capsules full of white powder. I have eight in total, three belong to me and the rest are divided between three other friends at two, two and one, respectively.
Knowing that I have a half hour before I meet up with my friends and give them theirs, I contemplate how many I want to take.
“Take two now and save one later? Or take one now and save two later…. Fuck it,” I said as I put all three in my mouth and swallowed them with a swish of bottled water.

I immediately feel my calves start tingling.

I call my friend, who had purchased his supply with me but was not undergoing the experience with the group of friends previously mentioned, and told him of my decision. “Have fun!” was his only response.

I place the rest of the capsules in my wallet and head out of the dorm for the University cafeteria, where I had chosen to meet my friends. I am wearing nothing but a tshirt and some very short running shorts, for my own comfort. (As a side note, I believe clothes to be stupid, especially in areas like New Orleans where it is hot all the time. They hide our imperfections from one another and are unnatural. We humans are supposed to be looked at and observed.) I pay for my food and grab a glass of whole milk to calm my fluttering stomach. I am beginning to become excited.
After a short wait (although in retrospect it felt like an eternity) my friends arrive, Z, K and L, and I bestow upon them their respective doses of two, two and one. (Each capsule had 20mg of the powder in it) They take theirs, eat something light, and then we decide to go for a walk outside.

We head for the beach near our campus and I can start to feel the effects. It is around 4pm and it is very bright, accentuated by the drug slowly making its way through my system. We walk along the beach for a short time before deciding to head back to the dorms and shed all of our unnecessary belongings. By this time I can definitely feel myself coming up.

I do not remember what happened next, but I will tell you this. 60mg of that stuff was the second most intense experience I have ever had, to be topped only by 6 hits of LSD.

It was standard psychedelic fair, brighter lights, tracers, racing mind, dancing geometric patterns. At one point a friend of mine took me and Z to a city park to purchase some greenery. It was beautiful. There is a central monument/museum that was lit from lights on the ground and it looked amazing.

We drove back to the dorms and met back up with everyone who was tripping and sat down in a room and talked for a long time. Lots of things came up, religion, society, people, sexuality, the usual conversations trippers partake in. At one point K decided that he wanted to take a shower, so he left. We continued talking and when he came back, he told us about what happened.

“I put my head under the bath faucet and turned the water up really hot, and then really cold. And then I set it to warm and just held my head there for a long time and thought ‘This is the happiest I’m ever going to be. I should probably just kill myself’, but I didn’t. I decided to get out of the shower”

We applauded him for his decision to not end his own life, and laughed because it was funny. He joined in, so it’s not like he was actually depressed or anything.

At one point, around T+8 hours, I had a sudden realization about life that went as follows:

We are all gears in the machine of society, turning. When we are young, we do not have the energy or resources required to turn ourselves(turning, of course, being the metaphor for taking care of oneself) and so we must rely on others to give us their energy so that we can turn. I imagined myself as a cog and my mother, a larger cog, attaching to me and turning me, so that I can help turn the rest of the cogs in the machine. I postulated that the energy your parents put in to keeping you turning is approximately equal to how much they love you.

Once we are old enough, though, we must turn ourselves, and give back our debt to society who we have essentially been living off of. This is the reason for taxes(also because the government keeps us out of the jungle, so to speak) among other things. I realized that I wanted to not be dependant of other people, that I wanted to live for myself.

And that I wanted to call my mom.

So I did. At midnight. I told her that I am thankful for her helping me live, and that I wanted to do better. I began to cry as I realized how hard life actually is and how much of an indignant shit I had been. I apologized for being such a shit. She said thanks, and that she was proud it only took me 18 years to figure this out. She also asked me if I was drunk to which I replied “I’m not sober..” which was good enough for her.

I finished my little cry (my first in almost four years, no less) and reunited with my friends. We continued doing regular tripping people stuff, telling jokes, philosophizing, that sort of thing. The sun starts coming up, so we decide to go outside. We remember that we all have classes that we have to go to in less than 4 hours. I have calculus 2 to look forward to.

We split up, Z having to go to English(I got a text a half hour later from him saying “FUCK THIS SHIT!!!!!!”), K going to some film class, and L going to physics. I waited the half hour until my Calc 2 class and decided to go, still feeling the effects of the 2C-E I had taken almost 15 hours before. The chalk lines on the board were swirling around. I thought that I might be able to be better at calculus now that I was tripping, but unfortunately this was not the case. Nothing made sense and I just wanted to leave.

I finally got out of there and went to a friend’s house to chill, trying to stay awake for as long as possible so I could get some semblance of a normal sleep cycle. My lady friend comes over and we smoke a bowl or two, and then leave. By this point it has been 22 hours and my brain still feels accelerated, and if I closed my eyes and opened them I could see visuals again.

But by this time the combination of sleep deprivation and tripping tiredness eventually took their toll, and I slept.

Before this I had done acid on 2 or 3 occasions, 3 hits being the most I had ever taken, although I think my mentality and personality definitely lend a hand in my ability to handle intense psychedelic experiences.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 92112
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 21, 2020Views: 686
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2C-E (137) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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