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Weird Reaction
by LP
Citation:   LP. "Weird Reaction: An Experience with Cannabis (exp92147)". Jul 9, 2019.

  oral Coffee (daily)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
I am a frequent user of cannabis and have been for a couple of years. I use other drugs including alcohol, Salvia, Shrooms infrequently. I also drink coffee daily.

Since I've been young, as with my dad, sometimes when sitting for long periods of time when I stand up I see all black and go blind and dizzy for about 10 seconds and then return to normal
when I stand up I see all black and go blind and dizzy for about 10 seconds and then return to normal
. While this is happeneing everything else is normal and I could carry conversations. Its hard to keep my balance, but I've had practice so now its not hard.

After reading weird reaction from cannabis, I realized I have the same thing, but its not so much as a nuisance really, but its sometimes annoying.

About a year ago, while walking in the heat and having smoked about 2 blunts, and taken some shots of hard liquor, my vision went all black and my friend told me I walked backwards almost onto to the road in front of a moving truck, but thankfully not. After lying down, drinking water and having chips I felt better. This felt more powerfully than when it normally happens and it didnt happen when I stood up, it happened randomly while I was walking.

Later, about 6 or so months later, After smoking a fat joint (1 gram) in morning, I walked in my school and proceeded to stand while the anthem was playing. I felt extremely high, and noticed my vision was turning black, I just waited for my vision to come back. I was leaning against the wall at the time and I felt myself losing balance. My leg felt like it was violently shaking and I could not control it or see if it was really happening. I also felt myself slipping about to fall, and I tried to lean myself back up but I kept slipping eventually onto the floor where I immediately gained back my vision and stood up without delay, partly due to the fact I did not want to look stupid, but also because I can see again and felt better. My concerned but nice principal told me it looked like I was having a seizure and told me to go home and relax. Although its possible I had a seizure I doubt I had one, because I think I imagined my leg shaking, and she probably thought it was more serious than my low pressure sight losing blackness.

It happened again recently two times, once while playing tennis and I had to sit down for awhile and cool off in order to stand and see, but while sitting I had vision. And another time just from standing and sitting, but that was more normal, but still I was high and in the heat.

Basically it happens very infrequently, but more so when I'm high on cannabis or in the sun.

Exp Year: 2010-2011ExpID: 92147
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 635
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Cannabis (1) : Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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