Friend OD
Citation:   J-KEN. "Friend OD: An Experience with Heroin (exp92277)". Aug 4, 2011.

    Heroin (tar / resin)
So today, my friend A and I discovered that our friend D had od from shooting up and had been dead in his apartment for the last couple days. We had been trying to reach him by phone and knocking on his door. After noticing that the light was on in his place and that his phone, keys and wallet were on his desk (which we noted from a crack between the blinds), we decided it was best to call the cops. Knowing his history with drugs, both of us already knew he was dead before they even discovered his body.

I am writing this for two reasons. First, I need to get it off my chest, and second, I'd like to warn all of you visiting this site who happen to inject heroin or are thinking about it, that in the end, it just isn't worth it. D had been distancing himself from everybody the past couple months, and despite everything we all told him, he continued to shoot up whenever he had the chance. I tried it with him a couple times, and enjoyed the rush and high, but hated how I'd have to puke my guts out after about an hour of doing it.

To me, this drug is pure evil. It turns me you very quickly. The only thing worse is meth, and after my few experiences with that, I'm definitely turned off from it. In fact, I'm turned off from hard addictive drugs in general. Just remember, when you hear people tell you not to do heroin, it's not because they're trying to spoil your fun. Don't do it.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92277
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Aug 4, 2011Views: 6,632
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Heroin (27) : Second Hand Report (42), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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