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Slightly Paronoid
Citation:   chrisT84. "Slightly Paronoid: An Experience with MDPV (exp92467)". Jan 21, 2012.

2 mg IV MDPV
I used to shoot a lot of heroin and cocaine here and there. MDPV is much closer to cocaine for sure. The rush from the shot I took however took a little longer to give me that crazy bell ringer, maybe between, 15 and 20 seconds. Some of you have used coke I.V. know that its hits like ton of bricks after 4 to 5 seconds max. Intense euphoria followed administering the dose.

It was a real intense rush. It did feel good for a while but now my heart felt like it was racing and I believe was having symptoms of mild paranoia. Thinking I saw people outside in my back yard, thinking it was my girlfriend or brother. I did not panic but it was a definite concern I had. Especially when I look in my back yard and it had just looked like someone had just past by a branch going into the woods, I ran out after them but no one was there.

This drug is ok cocaine substitute I wouldn't really know about meth, only snorted it twice. I can do as much of it though because it seems to last much longer than coke. A less intense but more prolonged effect.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92467
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jan 21, 2012Views: 6,994
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