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Cyclone Millennium
Citation:   Anonymous. "Cyclone Millennium: An Experience with Cannabis (exp92524)". Erowid.org. Feb 2, 2022. erowid.org/exp/92524

6 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My experience took place when I had just starting smoking weed and began to under estimate its power(big mistake).My dealer had called and told me that if we wanted to smoke I would need split the cost.One thing lead to another and we finally had received the weed which to our surprise was purple haze.Now I had never smoked any rare strain of cannabis before and assumed that their is a minimal difference between strains,I soon learned otherwise.One of my dealer's friends had come for a smoke too which I didnt mind the more the merrier.I was offered the green hit on his makeshift bong.As I inhaled and held the smoke in my lungs for about 5 seconds (which is sort of my ritual). Immediately I noticed a mild cloudy feeling in my head which is usally only achieved after 3 hits which made me realize the potency of this strain.

And before I know it, it's my turn to hit the bong again so I repeat the toke and as I inhale and hold I discover that my head has felt as if I had drowned into a whirling typhoon which lead to intense and unrelenting nausea and suddenly my ribs had felt as if they were closing in on me.That lasted about ten seconds but felt like a millennium.

The bong once again came my way but I refused and wanted to get a grip on my mind.I examined the room and realized that I was not high or stoned or blazed but in fact tripping on 2 hits of weed.I was shocked I had smoked weed about 17 times before this and thought that I had a moderate tolerate level but I was wrong.Scanning the room I watched patterns appear on my friends face, picture frames morphing into lions, and as I spoke I would hear the echo of what I said in my mind and see in written in the atmosphere of the room.I continued to pass off hits until I finally succumbed and took four more hits which didnt exacerbate my trip but elongated it to about 5 to 6 hours.

Mentally what I was feeling was that the weed had opened out portals of memory in my brain and exploring them and reliving them and every time I would blink I would realize that I was in my friends house still and that only 5 minutes had passed.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 92524
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Feb 2, 2022Views: 375
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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