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Between Oblivion & Plainness
Ketamine & 5-MeO-DMT
Citation:   Peter. "Between Oblivion & Plainness: An Experience with Ketamine & 5-MeO-DMT (exp9256)". Mar 26, 2002.

T+ 0:00
75 mg IV Ketamine (liquid)
  T+ 2:30 30 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Ketamine, used to be (to me) just a plain anaesthetic, with no real potential or useful effects. Well, until last night, when it's more seductive and escapist effect took a hold of me and I reached what I could interpret only as a state of 'nirvana' - a state of bliss attained through loss of the self and the ego. It wasn't just a regular removal of these aspects as one may experience at some levels of dextromethorphan usage, as I could clearly define these aspects with ease, but they remained constantly 'over there', out of the way in a safe place. This, I thought, was what other ketamine users had found before me and why it poses problems with addiction in some individuals.

My previous two experiments with ketamine were varied in themselves. The first, at a 40mg dose left me feeling numb, plain and bored, the second at 90mg throwing me into the timeless, reality-less space commonly called the K-Hole, and left me feeling awful for days afterwards. 'This can't be what all the excitement's all about!' I thought to myself, and decided to persevere with the experimentation.

The next week is where the fun began...

To start, I measured out 75mg in a syringe and added a hypodermic needle. I had my friend (we'll call him A) inject the substance intravenously while I was in my bedroom, at roughly 10pm, sitting in my beloved reclining chair which I use for all my experiments and has become a comfortable loving place for me. I chose to inject intravenously because, then the right amount could be injected and I could prompt my friend to stop at the right amount. I couldn't inject it myself because I would've lost muscle control before injecting the right amount.

OK - here goes.


As A injected the serum into my vein, I felt the normal sensation of dissolution, numbness and flight getting more and more intense. Oh it was good, up and up and up until...


Hit the nail bang on the head!

Perfect this time. I was in a place of complete blackness, solitude and warmth. I could look at myself from a different view and delve into every little part of my id, my ego and my superego. Even the little lies I'd tell myself to try and change reality could come forth with no pain and straighten themselves out, and I could clearly recall it all afterwards with no problems. Probing into this creature from afar was interesting - the little nuances and idiosyncracies, his dark and cynical sense of humour and his intelligence & potential all became apparent and I could construct a set of objectives for him to follow when he came out of this state and came back together with his observer.

There was a certain presence of the 'k-hole' sigma present. If I were to search I could find it. There were a few seconds where I was tempted to enter the swirling tunnel - it looked so calm and peaceful. The creature (myself) I was observing tried to enter but couldn't, so that was fair warning that I couldn't also. It didn't matter, though, because I was at a very good place myself which didn't really need improvement.

As I was finishing my inspecton / objective routine, the effects started to taper. Upon opening my eyes, my once comfortable bedroom had changed - the walls a patterning marbled green, the ceiling white and hazy and A, who was lying on the settee having injected himself with a smaller amount, and was enjoying a joint looked up & exclaimed 'oh. you've come around.. how was it?'

Trying to reply was quite a task - a string of gibberish & spoonerisms arose first, followed by an unsurpassedly stupid minute of laughing and another, more concentrated attempt:

'Very good.'

I didn't note his reply - i think he just went back to his joint whileI lit a cigarette, feeling like I'd just been through a string of cosmic sex, & lay back, satisfied with what I'd done while in the state. The duration so far? roughly an hour and a half.


By this time I had what I'd call an 'anaesthetic hangover' - i'd come past the normal hallucinations of emergence and felt pleasantly relaxed. A & myself agreed that rounding off the evening with a hit of 5-MeO DMT would he entirely appropiate. I measured out 30mg, A opted for 15mg (I'll say this - 30mg is an _extremely_ intense ride and not at all for somebody who's just experimenting with this drug. It can be quite traumatic if you haven't tried lower doses first). A took the first hit and lay back, assuring me that he was comfortable at his dose. 'Okay, now my turn' I said, eagerly anticipating my hit.

I loaded the pipe, and thought for a second 'Is this a good idea?'
my next thought was 'the K will change it, so be prepared!'. So with the lighter in one hand and the pipe held to my mouth with the other, I proceeded to volatilize the crystals and inhale a large hit.

The onset was very intense as soon ans the smoke entered my lungs. As far as trips go, the effects of this particular trip have been the most intense yet. My vision immediately went white, followed by immediate monochrome psychedelic effects (very weird) and then... blackness again. I felt as is my heart was going very slowly, waiting an eternity between each pronounced 'thump', all I could feel were the tired muscles on my face stuck in the grin position.

A remarkable image came before my eyes - a parallel world mirrored from the earth, which at some time merged with our planet to create the world we have today. A world of sin and unlimited blasphemy merging with an utopian realm of sincere bliss, an 'eden'. Such was the energy of this mergance that the earth ejected an intermediate, dead and rocky body - the moon. The little beings on this planet creating fire, inventing new tinkertoys and evolving within an instant. The next moment, it was all gone - the apocalypse occurring as a flash of white light and the earth disappearing into nothingness at the next instant.

As the feelings began to taper, I came back to reality, and looked upon my room once more. It was just the same as I remembered - my calm, peaceful room and everything had an overlay of warm colourful waviness. One thouhgt remained before I retired for the night, a sense of renewed optimism. Upon awakening tomorrow I'll get done what my objectives sought for and do what I can to get things done.


Time for sleep - the residual stimulation from the 5meo is gone and I feel extremely tired.

This, once again is a reiteration of my principle that synergistic drugs should be taken carefully when combined. For a while I lost myself, and if another individual were to find hisself / herself in the same situation with no knowlege of when such an experience would end, panic may occur - leading to a nasty situation.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9256
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 26, 2002Views: 15,637
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Ketamine (31), 5-MeO-DMT (58) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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