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Bad School High
Kratom & Oxycodone
Citation:   coughcough. "Bad School High: An Experience with Kratom & Oxycodone (exp93323)". Jan 21, 2012.

2 capsls oral Kratom (powder / crystals)
  50 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
A friend of mine bought a couple of kratom capsules online to sell, so I bought a couple (not really knowing much about it other than it being some sort of herb.)

At the time, I had a bad oxy addiction and took them like candy every time I would sober up. I took both the capsules as soon as I got to gym class and wasn't really feeling anything. I figured they weren't working so I took about five oxycodone for the sake of not being sober. Then the Kratom hit me. All of the colors were so vibrant and the sounds were so pleasant, I would laugh at everything. But sadly this only lasted for what seemed to be about 10 minutes. When the feeling went away I felt doped up from all the oxycodone along with a terrible headache and some severe nausia. I layed on the bleachers hoping this feeling would pass but it only got worse. Before I know it I'm by the trash can throwing my guts up (not literaly.) I couldn't stop puking and i felt really light headed. I went home from school and was sick the rest of the day. I wouldn't advise using Kratom to get high but then again, I've heard better experiences.


Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93323
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jan 21, 2012Views: 7,045
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Kratom (203), Oxycodone (176) : Combinations (3), School (35)

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