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Complete Emptiness at the Worst Time
Citation:   spleen. "Complete Emptiness at the Worst Time: An Experience with Cannabis (exp93722)". Jul 9, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis
I have had a long history of smoking weed. I started when I was 15 and was smoking all the time until I was 22 when I finally decided that I couldn't function properly anymore. My memory and attention span were obviously depleted and my social inabilities showed clearly when in large groups. So I stopped and became a happier and more level headed person. I was the social young man that I could have been all that time and it felt great. I have smoked a few times since and the effects have come on strong and I remember why I quit in the first place.
I have smoked a few times since and the effects have come on strong and I remember why I quit in the first place.

I am now on holiday and with a girl who is about to put on some sexy underwear I bought her. She suggests smoking a joint in the bath as weed makes her really horny. For some reason I think that I can smoke and have a hazy sexy time like I have known before.

Wrong! I'm in the bath when it hits me and straight away the idea of intimacy seems really awkward and I find it hard to speak. In fact it is difficult to form a thought that would become a sentence. All in all it is impossible to be sexual. As she starts fooling around I realise that my dick has shrunk in size like I would expect whilst in amphetamines namely an MDMA shrivel!! It is impossible to get a hard on.

We got out of the bath and she is in the bathroom trying on the new lingerie whislt I am having a mini panic attack and furiously trying to get an erection. She glides out of the bathroom looking so hot I can barely comprehend. Still I am physically and mentally unable to perform any sensual act. Even kissing feels wrong. I try hard to explain how I am feeling and that all I can bring myself to do is sleep. I am so embarassed and I am sure that she is turned off by now. I have ruined what promised to be an amazing night of passion. We sleep.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93722
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 502
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Sex Discussion (14), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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