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Quite Different
Syrian Rue & Cannabis
Citation:   lookingglass. "Quite Different: An Experience with Syrian Rue & Cannabis (exp94125)". Erowid.org. Feb 10, 2022. erowid.org/exp/94125

5 - 7 g oral Syrian Rue (seeds)
    smoked Cannabis  
Quite a Different Experience

I tried syrian rue once before with LSD, never have I done it by itself or with just marijuana. I was talking to friends and they decided to try it with me. Between 4 of us we took 28 grams of seeds, ground them up and cooked them in lemon water three times. Took at that liquid and boiled it down to three cups. We saved little less then one cup for later so we had about 20 grams to drink there. One friend and I had more then our fair share due to no one really enjoying the taste and we would just finish it.

We decide to smoke 2 bowls of marijuana, then roll a joint for a car ride to a party. We never made it to the party. The man driving the car was completely sober so we were safe in that aspect. We were driving and just having a good time when the first visuals hit. It was small and I thought it was real. Realized it really was not. The 4 of us started tripping out, a lot. For one friend it got strongly overwhelming with the moving, car lights, conversation and music. So he threw up out the window. At that point auditory hallucinations started to happen and I thought kids were screaming and yelling my name and having odd conversations. We finally stop at a gas station so my friend and I can throw up while not driving 60 mph. But as soon as we stepped out of the car we could not walk. Had absolutely no control over our bodies. It was like a very drunk feeling, but instead of my body feeling heavy, my body was extremely light. my mind was completely clear and seemed normal, but a lot of hallucinations and no control on body. We decided to just go back home. Upon getting there I laid down to go to bed. Staring at a pile of clothes while lying on the ground. It turned into a couch with a person sleeping there and a dog laying by his head. I got up to say they had a dog in the room and as I got up the image collapsed back into a pile of clothes.

Really interesting experience. Was extremely surprised that it would ever get that intense.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94125
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 10, 2022Views: 425
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Syrian Rue (45), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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