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Removing Mental Filters
Cacti - T. bridgesii
by Noon
Citation:   Noon. "Removing Mental Filters: An Experience with Cacti - T. bridgesii (exp94414)". Jan 29, 2016.

12 in oral Cacti - T. bridgesii (fresh)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
I have tried T. Panchoi (San Pedro) three times in the past, once at a small dose then twice at much higher doses. I had tried dried powder the first two times and then the third time we had the actual cactus and we skinned and de-spined the cactus then blended the cactus and strained the liquids through a t-shirt. When we had the actual plant instead of powder, I noticed the stomach ache was significantly less intense and the trip seemed to have a more positive tone. Me and my two friends were looking to give mescaline another try but this time with T. Bridgesii instead of T. Pachanoi.

Once again we got the actual stalks of cactus in hopes for a better trip experience. We cut the spines out trying to leave as much of the plant material as possible. Then the cactus was sliced into 6ths by cutting down each groove into the core. The core was then cut out and then we peeled the skin off. While doing this it is important to take your time and be gentle because if you are not it is easy to pull up a lot of the dark green outer layer and this is where a majority of the alkaloids are contained.

T 0:00 With my past experience with San Pedro, I will say that it is the most awful tasting thing that you will ever put in your mouth. So we made some really hot cilantro and lime salsa to get some heat in our mouths to help mask the flavor. We also had some slices of lime to chase the cactus with. The pieces of cactus look like sliced cucumbers and we ate them just as if they were. By no means did the Achuma cactus taste good, but it was so so so much easier to get down than San Pedro.
By no means did the Achuma cactus taste good, but it was so so so much easier to get down than San Pedro.
It is not easy to eat but you can talk yourself into getting it down because you know there will be a journey that follows. After about an hour of eating as much as we could, each of us had ingested around 12” of cactus that was originally about a 3” diameter cutting.

T 1:00 After only 1 hour we all thought that we might be feeling some effects already but were not sure if we were just really high from smoking weed. Me and the one other tripper who has had San Pedro before thought that the effects felt like they were starting but we were skeptical because of how quickly it was taking effect compared to San Pedro.

T 1:45 We decided to go to a friend's house and hang out as the drugs kicked in. We brought an abundance of weed and smoked it every half hour or hour, and it helped a lot with any nausea. On our walk over to our friends, we started to get a little giggly and a little more scatter-brained.

T 2:30 The cactus was really starting to take effect now with a lot of illusory motion being perceived in the periphery of my vision. At this point, when I looked at anyone's face, it did not look how I remembered, but I could also see the emotions that the person was having. It became very easy to judge how others were feeling and even thinking, but it was also very strange if to look any close friends in the face because their faces seemed distorted and deformed.

T 3:30 Our friends who were not tripping decided they wanted to go downtown to the bars and drink, and we decided to tag along just to see what the experience would be like. At this point the body high is starting to kick in, which is a pretty strange feeling. It is as if you can feel gravity pulling you down but you also feel your body being lifted up at the same time. There was a little snow and some ice on the ground while we walked downtown and the ground seemed to be sparkling as if it were covered with glitter. We arrived at the bar and it was packed and upon entering, my two tripping buddies immediately felt overwhelmed and awkward being there. After only minutes they made their way back outside. I saw some people I knew and went to go try and converse with them. The lights inside were extremely bright and distracting. While I was talking to a friend I felt like I was super fucked up and that my words weren’t coming out right and that I might not be making much sense. Once I told the kid that I was tripping he told me had no idea and I was acting totally normal. Hearing this made me feel much better. The bars are definitely not a place to go if you are tripping on mescaline. Whenever I would look at a drunk person’s face, I did not see a person, I just saw an empty body. It is scary how you can just look around and tell who is drunk and when I would look at them it made me very uncomfortable to be around them.

T 4:30 We ended up back at a friend's house at which point we landed on the couches and the body high was really starting to kick in and we all just started to sink into the couches and get lost in our thoughts. At this point the visuals were really taking effect and nothing appeared to be still and colors were much more vivid and even changing. Objects in the room would change illumination and shades in waves and sometimes you could actually watch them change in front of your eyes. I was having a much easier time composing myself than my two friends who could not seem to get past the fact that everything was melting and changing shapes in the periphery. I also found it much easy to complete sentences and put words to my thoughts, whereas they would have a hard time getting one sentence out and after the broken speech they would forget what they were talking about. From this point on, if I closed my eyes there was an array of colors flying across my vision. Although my eyes were closed they were still “seeing” all kinds of stuff.

T 6:00 We ventured the mile back to my house and the walk was really good for all of us. It felt like we had a mission, an objective, that we were working towards, even though it was simply to walk across town. Along the walk, all of the trees appeared to be reaching out towards us and shadows appeared to be figures that would hide whenever we tried to look at them. It was about midnight at this point and even though it was really dark outside, we could navigate with relative ease due to the pupil dilation. We all grabbed a bunch of fire wood on our way into the house, and my two friends were far from capable of even attempting to light a fire. I just threw in half a phone book and a bunch of kindling and it started without too much trouble. And to anyone who plans on tripping on mescaline, I suggest a fire. The flames danced with different colors and it was mesmerizing just to watch the fire, but at the same time it created all different shadows and illuminations around the room which were magnificent.

T 7:00 We seemed to have peaked around this time on hallucinations and body high, but we were exhausted as it was around 1 in the morning. My one friend claimed to see lizards running all over the ceiling and that everything in our house had an Aztec print on it. These hallucinations are very real and you definitely see them, but at the same time you are aware that they are hallucinations.

T 8:30 The effects seem to be slowly declining and we are all laying down on couches, trying to sleep but with no luck. As I lay with my eyes closed on the couch I could feel myself sinking into the couch and the top of my body lifting my up. It was almost as if I was falling up and down at the same time. In my vision I saw different faces and animals and pictures flying towards me then disappearing only to be replaced with a new image flying towards me. After about an hour or two of this we were able to fall asleep at about 10 hours from when we first ingested the cacti.

The next day: The hangover is nothing like mushrooms where my brain hurts or I can’t seem to think or do anything. It just felt like I just had an all-nighter and didn’t eat (because that is what happened). It takes some cues from friends to spark memories of different experiences from the night before but overall I felt I remembered a majority of my trip and how I felt at the time. We were able to laugh about how ridiculous our social interactions were and how hard we were tripping the night before. Overall this was another great experience and mescaline is still on top of my psychedelic drugs list.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94414
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 29, 2016Views: 3,585
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Cacti - T. bridgesii (448) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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