Most Intense Drug Experience to Date
Methoxetamine & Cannabis
Citation:   MXElover. "Most Intense Drug Experience to Date: An Experience with Methoxetamine & Cannabis (exp94747)". Mar 21, 2012.

T+ 0:00
20 mg sublingual Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:50 20 mg sublingual Methoxetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:15 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Ever since my first marijuana experience at 17, trying every drug became one of the items on my bucket list. It has been 20 months since then and so far I have done salvia, shrooms, lsd, mdma, 25i-nbome, meth, coke, mdpv, lorazepam, and hydrocodone. The only drug I have done consistently (more than 3 times) is marijuana. I came across MXE when my dealer offered it as a free sample. After a lot of research on several websites, I was ready.

0:00 - After measuring out 20mg, I wet my finger tips, scoop up the pile, and apply it sublingually. It tastes very salty.

0:05 - My mouth starts to fill with saliva. It starts to feel uncomfortable - I'll insufflate from now on.

0:10 - Nothing noticeable yet, but the saliva build up proves itself to be annoying so I swallow.

0:30 - After 30 minutes, a feeling of drunkenness is unmistakeable. I try to walk around my house but it feels like I just took 5 shots of liquor. I notice that I'm hungry despite only eating a meal a couple hours earlier. I go downstairs and cook up some ramen. Oddly, it was somewhat difficult preparing such an easy meal.

0:50 - The ramen tasted better than it usually did. I'm a little disappointed with the trip's strength so I redose with another 20mg (insufflated this time). Note - I almost NEVER redose. This is quite uncharacteristic of me and my health is usually a big concern of mines whenever I do drugs. I refuse to do any drugs more than twice a week including alcohol and caffeine. The only exception I have is cannabis.

1:10 - The redose hits me. I'm feeling really heavy and happy at this point. All the worries in my life drifted away. I felt extremely content. Funnily enough, a feeling of motivation waves over me. I run a website that I've been trying to make part time money off of and suddenly I felt like writing more articles.

1:15 - I decide to smoke a bowl from my huge bong (2 feet tall). I haven't smoked since classes started 2 weeks ago so today was the day to treat myself. It's been a long week.

1:25 - My friend's homegrown Jack Herrer mixes with the mxe. Wow, the feelings from the cannabis and mxe were clearly differentiable. This felt like the first time I had ever smoked pot.

1:40 - Movies and games drew me in, but I felt like I was wasting my trip on them. I lay down on my bed and close my eyes.

1:55 - HOLY SHIT. I can't come up with words to describe the CEVs and how AWESOME I felt. It surpassed any other drugs that I've experimented with in the past. 100mg of MDMA doesn't come close, LSD was a joke compared to the psychedelic mindset I was in.

At the time, I put my hand up to my chest to check my heart rate. This is something I always do with new drugs. I can't read my heart rate at all and I get a little anxious about it. One side of me was worried with my health and the other side was enjoying the trip. Note - I've never taken more than 1.5 blotters (prob 120ug) of LSD.

2:10 - My mind was blown when I looked over at the clock and only 15 minutes had passed. I had been thinking at the speed of light. My 'consciousness' felt disconnected from all my body parts except from the warmth coming from my blankets. I was so far away from my body... like being blasted hundreds of miles up into the cosmos. At the same time, however, I could move my body. It just felt like very tiny body parts. While I was thinking, I couldn't even comprehend why anybody could ever feel sad. The universe was so beautiful and I felt great being alive.

2:20 - I probably plateau'd at this time.

2:50 ~ 3:30 - Sometime at this point I pulled up my laptop and posted on a forum I frequent about how great I was feeling.

3:30 - The trip wasn't as strong anymore. The weed has mostly worn off and I was back to feeling the mxe again. I am now able to get back on my computer.

5:00 - Mostly sober, but I still felt slightly disconnected.

From now on, I'll either have a trip sitter or at least a heart watch so I don't have to worry about that anymore. Also, I'll probably keep my dosing to once a month. I've found some concerning health effects with dissociatives.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94747
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 21, 2012Views: 12,939
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Methoxetamine (527), Cannabis (1) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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