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i felt like i had been awake for 2 weeks
Citation:   turtle. "i felt like i had been awake for 2 weeks: An Experience with Risperdol (exp948)". Oct 28, 2000.

2 tablets oral Pharmaceuticals (pill / tablet)
i had never heard of rispernol before my friend sold me these 2 white pills with a small R 1 on the back. he told me there for his retarded brother anytime he freaks out. he said that he had never taken them and wanted to find out what they would do to a normal person. the first hour was the only enjoyable one. it started with my arms and legs feeling heavy and mild tiredness. soon after that i was completely shot, i could hardly do anything more then stumble around and stare off into space. at 3 PM i took the pills, now its 7 o'clock and i felt like i had been awake for 2 weeks. right about now i figured the best thing to do was try and sleep it off since the drug hasn't been enjoyable for the past few hours. i got up the strength to kick out my friends and the next thing i remember is waking up the next morning fully clothed with me TV remote in my hand. this drug put me down more then k or heroin could ever hope to, the only problem is that i was not high at all, just sedated. the only good that came from this whole thing was i had went to the mall and got a 14 gauge barbell for my eyebrow and i was able to stretch a 18 gauge hole to a 14 with no painful feeling at all.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 948
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2000Views: 5,381
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Pharmaceuticals (73) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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