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A Journey Through the Universe
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   eblis. "A Journey Through the Universe: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp95300)". May 20, 2021.

1 hit smoked DMT
  1 hit smoked Cannabis
All names that will be used are fake so don’t think its anyone you know.

It all started one Wednesday while I was sitting on a bench at my school. My friend Brenda walked up to me and started talking to me, and eventually got to the point of asking me if I wanted to try DMT with her. At this time I had a couple of friends that had tried it and all of them had told me it was something worth trying. So I told her that I would try it with her. She told me to come to her house after class got out and that another aquantence of mine named Carl would also be joining us.

By the time that class got out I was feeling a little anxious and as I drove to her house I had a little apprehension about doing it, but I assured myself everything was fine and proceeded to her house. As we walked into her room I began to feel excited. I sat down on the carpet and we began to smoke some marijuana, we had smoked probably 1g of marijuana by the time Carl had finished preparing the DMT. It had come in little capsules. Carl had sprinkled the DMT on a bowl of marijuana and said that he had used about one and a half of the capsules. He told me to hold the flame above the bowl and to not flame hit it until the DMT had vaporized.

As I sat there holding the pipe I began to feel very nervous and anxious ad excited all at the same time and I felt very overwhelmed. So I crossed my legs, closed my eyes and began to just try to relax all of muscles and just take deep breaths to release the tension from my body. As I did I began to regain control of my emotions and I slowed down my breathing for awhile so that I was completely calm and relaxed before I took my hit.

The trip:
I took the rip and as instructed held the flame above the bowl and I watched as the DMT bubbled and vaporized then I lit the bowl. About half way through my rip I began to feel kind of odd and by the end I was beginning to get a very intense body high/rush. I leaned back and closed my eyes and instantly I was having odd geometric formations in my mind’s eye. As the rush intensified my ears began to ring my breathing became short and very intense for a short amount of time and then I felt a huge release of energy and heard a non-verbal crack in my head, then I entered the portal. It was as if I was being shot through the fabric of the universe I saw everything within everything. As I flew through the portal I suddenly aware that I was flying through a huge canyon and then I landed on a rock and was greeted by an amber reptilian like creature. It greeted me not in the sense of words but through emotions, I felt as though it was a part of me, as I conversed with the creature I suddenly became aware that there were an innumerable amount of them around me. They all gave off a strong feeling of happiness and I felt very good around them.

Then all of the sudden I was moving again through universe and I came upon a planet that was covered in mirrors and there was a huge light sun-like being that came to me and he told me that this is where souls reflected into to people’s bodies. The sun like being suddenly brought me within him and took me to a place where I could see everything at once. It was like I was in a room with infinite amount of little windows. Except that normally you would not be able to see that many windows, but I felt as if I could see everything all around and on all layers of the universe. As I gazed at the doors I decided to focus on one in particular and see what I saw.

What I saw was a planet that was completely covered in mushrooms as I got closer to the planet I could see that here were little smurf like people running all over the mushrooms eating them. They appeared to all be just going crazy and having an amazing time doing it. I cannot really explain what they were doing because it was not like something in this reality.

I suddenly became aware that there was another being within me it is the oddest feeling I have ever had and I cannot summon the words to explain it. I questioned the being on what its name was. He told me his name was Kriffin and that his world had been destroyed and that he was the only survivor. He then showed me his memories of his people getting killed and his world being destroyed by an evil force. At the end of our conversation he told me that he had to leave and I felt an emptiness where he had been. Then all of the sudden I was the reptilian people again and they were all waving good bye to me. Then one of them walked in front of me and touched my forehead. It was very weird because I did not fell a physical touch but a mental touch. I then said good bye and opened my eyes and was done with the trip.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 95300
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2021Views: 603
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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