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It All Feels Like a Dream
Cannabis (edible)
Citation:   Sarah. "It All Feels Like a Dream: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp95560)". Jul 9, 2019.

1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Amazing Brownie Experience

My boyfriend and I bought two weed brownies from a friend of ours for $10 each. I have eaten one of their brownies before and had a pretty average experience that one would have under the influence of cannabis. We both smoke weed a lot so this was just a normal night for us. We planned on just chilling in his room and watching a movie. So we went to his room and ate them around 9:00 pm.

We both started feeling pretty high at around 9:45ish. After this point, everything seems like a dream and I really have no idea what time things happened. We were lying in bed and just hugging and whatever and we started having sex. It felt nothing like sex normally feels. It was like our bodies were melting into each other and we were just kind of floating and merging into one person. I couldn't even feel the bed beneath us. This was the moment when it really started to get very intense and I began to experience things that I have never felt while I was high. I started to feel like my soul or my consciousness was kind of outside of my body, and was traveling to all of these different places.
I started to feel like my soul or my consciousness was kind of outside of my body, and was traveling to all of these different places.
Each place felt different, but the feeling of 'traveling' was the same. It was very intense like I was on a roller coaster sort of. Some of the places I ended up were scary and almost familiar, like some dark section of my brain where I store all of the bad things that have happened to me. I felt like I visited that place, but only briefly. I kind of acknowledged that it was there and then discarded it. Some other places were like memories sort of, good memories from my childhood. I felt like I was inside my friend's house that I haven't been in since like, 3rd grade. I felt like I was flying through all of the rooms and I kept remembering different things we did there. I started telling my boyfriend weird stories from my childhood that I had no idea I still remembered. I honestly wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings up until this point because I was completely absorbed in myself.

Then I brought my attention back to my boyfriend's room, and everything looked different. Everything I saw was moving like it was a wave or something. Then the TV, his roommate's bed, the dresser, and the walls all got way huge and out of proportion so like it looked like there was no floor space. Everything just kind of squished together, it looked like a cartoon. Then after that the opposite happened; everything got all skinny and super stretched out so the room looked HUGE.

A lot of things happened that I don't remember, it all feels like a dream. I just remember saying like 'When I come to this place, I like to take a little piece of earth with me'. I think I meant that I was so completely far away from reality but sometimes I like to remind myself that I'm still just sitting on a bed. It wasn't like, bad, it was just very overpowering and tiring. I really had no control over my body and I really have no idea what I was saying the whole night. I also felt like my boyfriend was on the same wavelength as me, like we were traveling in a car together. Every time I thought I had hit the peak of the high, it just kept getting more intense. My boyfriend also was convinced he peed himself (he didn't), which was hilarious. I think we tried to watch a show or something but I don't know what it was. We went to bed around like 11:30 I think.

Today is the day after, and I feel really really drained and foggy. Overall, definitely the highest I have ever ever been and probably ever will be on cannabis. It was a very spiritual experience and it really just opened my eyes to the infinite possibilities and expanse of human consciousness. I don't really want to be that high again ever, but I am very glad that it happened. Never underestimate the power of a good brownie!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95560
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 1,119
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