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A New Reality
Citation:   brain-EH94. "A New Reality: An Experience with 2C-E (exp95730)". Sep 8, 2018.

11 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
This was my first time with a substence from the phenthylamines group. I have previous experiences with cannabis,LSA (H.B.W seeds),Yopo and various cannabinoids.

The day the package I ordered arrived I immediately ripped it open and thought how will I ingest the powder (weighs 0.55 g ) without precise measurement. I then recalled volumatric measuring. I went down to the gas station to aquire some vodka that later I would dissolve the 2C-E Hcl in. Upon returning home I immediately dissolved the powder and waited for it to completely dissolve. I bought a 500 ml bottle so that means every 1 ml is 1.1 mg.

14:40 :
I take a syringe and measure 10 ml which are equal to 11 mg of 2C-E. I pour the clear liquid into a cup and add some orange juice to mask the nasty alcohol taste. After sipping on the beverage I go to sit on my couch and wait until the effects of drug kick in. I honestly didn't know what to expect even though I've read so much about this drug. Nothing can prepare one to a new substance.

15:00 :
No noticeable change in perception but nausea sets in. I feel like I want to vomit.

15:05 :
Turned on the T.V , Sponge Bob was on, colors seem more vibrant indeed although could be just a placebo.

I run to the bathroom after feeling sick. I sit on the toilet and do my thing.... When suddenly I begin to laugh uncontrollably. I finish purging and exist the toilet. Upon exiting everything is changed. Colors appear swapped , I go to my room and sit in front of my computer to have a chat with a friend on MSN.

I decide its a good idea to put my earphones and listen to some psytrance. At that time I was still coming up I believe.

I start hearing the trance 'X-rated' by Mekkanikka. I never liked that trance and I always skip it but this time it felt so good. This is when the trip really starts. This trance contains various samples of machines (hence the name of the artist) . Upon hearing those samples everything took the form of a machine. Everything looked mechanic , I kinda liked that and enjoyed it very much.

I take a brake from music to gather myself and recount just what happened . I continue to chat with my friend about irrational things. I then realize I feel alive , alive like I've never been before. I cant seem to wipe the smile off my face. Everything is jumping, moving and becoming interesting. I cant seem to concentrate on my own thoughts. I realize I'm in a loop my jaw is clenching (first time that happens).

I decide the only way I can escape the loop is to put my earphones back on , relax and have a good time with myself. The usual trance music I hear is no longer interesting. I continue to shuffle music until I hit some dark-psy. 'the mentalist' by Acid trooper. Again not my style of music but I was attracted to it,curious to hear it on a different mindset. It was a whole new world of sound,Bass was everywhere and it felt amazing!

I realize I sit in my room surrounded by four white walls! I then understand I need some fresh air. I go to my purch to sip on some fresh air (yes sip!). My mom steps in and offer me a cigarette. I was afraid that the nicotine might take the trip downhill. I took a chance and lit it. Every time I inhaled I felt amazing!

Me and my mom have to go to the bank to open an account for me. On the way to the bank all the people I've seen looked the same . I thought I was the only one different. I started to recall the last two hours and realized I was tripping ( I couldn't believe this is what 11 mg can do!). I recalled the samples of the machines and started to have a taste of iron in my mouth. This felt interesting! Metal in my mouth!

I step into the bank feeling like I own the world. I was wrong though, I couldn't make sense of what I was seeing. Everything looked alien. I didn't feel like an adult anymore.

One of the bank workers greets us and gives us the service we came for. I felt relieved but then I realized it was just the beginning! I went through a transformation (entering the world of money! Which I hate since the thought of 'money makes the world spin' never sounded true).

I finish my business in the bank and beg my mom to return home. I felt turn up ,renewed and transformed all at once.

I get home and reassure myself that everything is fine. The drug is slightly taking its grip off me ( maybe because of the low dosage?).

The food is ready. I take my time and eat slowly. Everything I put in my mouth feels synthetic! Metallic! Taste is non existent! I feel taste is only in my mind, these are just molecules that effect differently on my taste buds and send different electrical messages to my brain.

I go down stairs to a public garden to do some exercise. Interestingly enough I perform better then any other day!

I have a cup of tea. Taste is coming back gradually.

I'm down to earth. Feeling refreshed!

Conclusions :
2C-E is amazing! Even at dosages low as 11 mg I can feel amazing effects. I cant wait to try a higher dosage although I have to prepare myself mentally for it. I can see myself taking it to explore myself deeper and even to have some fun at Fridays.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95730
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 8, 2018Views: 853
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2C-E (137) : General (1), First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Various (28)

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