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Sleepless Nights Are Not Cured by Hallucinogen
Citation:   Mr. Winkler. "Sleepless Nights Are Not Cured by Hallucinogen: An Experience with 4-HO-MET (exp96089)". Oct 2, 2021.

  oral 4-HO-MET
    oral Tobacco - Cigarettes
Setting: My dorm room; a “sanctuary”, could not imagine a safer place to be inebriated other than my close friends' place. Plenty of good vibes here, as this is where I spend a majority of my time.

Mindset: Sleep deprived and bored, strange urge to experiment with a new psych I had sitting in my drawer. Thought the sleep deprivation would perhaps add a potentiating effect as I am unable to smoke marijuana at the present time due to probation.

(this segment written in real-time)
6:17am - Dose of 4-HO-MET (unknown amount, trustworthy friend claims it was classified as “heavy”) taken orally; held under the tongue then washed down with a few sips of coke.

6:21am - I begin listening to The Pillows album “Moon Gold”, slight change in mindset noticed, but it is likely due to anticipation of effects.

6:25am - feeling something stronger, but still not much. Only made it through one song, going to step out for a cigarette and will report back soon.

6:35 - nothing much to speak of yet, could not sleep last night, of course I would start feeling tired right after dosing... The trees outside looked especially beautiful, however I also expect this as placebo effect as pleasure in nature is one of my general reactions to psychedelics. Going to attempt playing some runescape to kill time.

6:51 - getting sleepier by the second, maybe this wasn’t my best idea, effects maybe starting to manifest

7:00 - My body is starting to feel very good; music sounds...... Enhanced. This game is much more fun than it probably should be. This is still only the threshold

7:05 - Visuals are starting; my ceiling looks AWESOME

7:20 - Changing the music to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. Ahhhhhhh sounds amazing. RuneScape has never been this much fun

7:50 - very nice visuals, a very clear happy head, this substance makes for a very decent psychedelic experience

8:43 - Body feels somewhat uncomfortable now, music still sounds incredible and visuals have lessened slightly, lost interest in them a while ago though

9:46 - Body feels a little uncomfortable still, not as much as earlier though. Visuals have toned down to nearly non-existent levels, thought processes seem quite a bit more “normal” or back to baseline you could say. I’ve read that this substance is comparable to psilocin, and I can agree only in the look and feel to the visuals, the other effects are all its own. My mind felt quite a bit more “clear” than a psilocybin mushroom or LSD experience, as in the drug itself didn’t seem to be invading my thoughts as much as it did my senses.

9:57 - I strangely no longer feel the slightest bit tired, I should add... That faded away around 7am. Going to watch Mushi-Shi and see if I have anything else to say on the trip.

11:43 - It’s all over! Well, music continues to sound amazing, but doesn’t it always!? The only feel left is my brain feels somewhat drained (well duh, I didn’t sleep and took a hallucinogenic drug instead), and my stomach has a tinge of pain in it, but that’s probably from not eating all night (I should get on that!!).

In conclusion I believe 4-HO-MET was an interesting substance, but not much more. It was fairly enjoyable, but the body-load during the experience, although good at first, later in the trip seemed excessive compared to the low amount of mind-fuck and visuals I received.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96089
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 2, 2021Views: 462
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Sleep Deprivation (140), 4-HO-MET (436) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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