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Compassion and Nostalgic Wonder
Citation:   Charles. "Compassion and Nostalgic Wonder: An Experience with Cannabis (exp96206)". Jul 9, 2019.

10 - 20 hits smoked Cannabis
I hadn’t known anything about the effects of cannabis (or any altered consciousness states) at age 16, but I was still curious, having seen a friend so easily amused by the world under its influence. Expecting “psychedelic” effects, I decided to indulge.

Setting: A friend’s birthday party. Smoking outside, food and video games inside.
Mindset: Unprepared. No research done on the drug. Generally happy, having a good time with friends.

My friends and I began the smoking circle outdoors late at night. I had previously tried cannabis multiple times to no avail, but on this night I consumed enough for the effects to be present
I had previously tried cannabis multiple times to no avail, but on this night I consumed enough for the effects to be present
; I would approximate 10-20 hits (which I would consider a lot, especially for a newcomer). The effects consumed me as we all ended the session and came indoors.

Hour 0: The first wave hit me like a brick wall and I fell to my knees. A caring friend of mine helped me sit down so I could enjoy the disorientation I was experiencing. Another friend who was dancing to music got my attention and I inexplicably called him beautiful…everything was glowing.

Hour 1: I noticed a friend sneaking around the house with his hand shaped like a gun. This sparked some sort of nostalgic wonder in me…playing “pretend” as a child. I followed suit and we had an all too real feeling matrix gun battle in the kitchen. The imagination becomes greatly enhanced under these influences.

Hour 2: Another friend new to smoking took off his pants and ate an entire batch of cookies. Inhibitions decreased and appetite increased.

Hour 3: Watched Speed Racer and Horton Hears a Who and cannot recall a single thing from either of these movies. Short-term memory is terrible under a high dose, and time is very distorted. This 3-hour estimate I have listed is completely unreliable.

Hour 4: Fell asleep.

There were no spiritual or philosophical realizations during this “trip”, but it brought me closer to my friends for a night. I am three years older then I was at the time of this account. I now only smoke cannabis 1-3 hits per session to avoid physical discomfort/ mental anxiety
I now only smoke cannabis 1-3 hits per session to avoid physical discomfort/ mental anxiety
that I started to experience what seemed randomly and inexplicably. Cannabis can assist with creativity, abstract thinking, sleep, and sometimes anxiety/stress. It seems to invariably increase sexual desire, appetite, and internal dialogue. With me, mild closed eye visuals can usually be manifested with music and meditation. Addiction to the drug seems impossible, in fact, I have used it to nullify the negative effects of nicotine withdrawal multiple times.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 96206
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 585
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