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Seeing What Wasn't There
by GLT
Citation:   GLT. "Seeing What Wasn't There: An Experience with 2C-E (exp96421)". Erowid.org. Jun 25, 2012. erowid.org/exp/96421

25 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
This was the first time I ever really hallucinated. Not just pretty colors, but full on shit-that-wasn't-there.

A little over a year ago I was set to attend an Owl City concert with two friends at the House of Blues. Knowing the character of the artist, I fully expected an array of colorful and entrancing lights and an uplifting mood. After much waffling, I decided I would take 2C-E at the venue. I made myself a 25mg capsule.

Fast forward to the line to get in. I take my dose and, while waiting in line, start to feel the effects set in. Nothing special - trees are greener, lights are brighter, and I can't stop listening to Sandstorm on my music player loud enough for everyone around me to hear. The line is endless, and after what seems like hours of slowly shuffling forward, my friends and I get inside.

So begins the wait. Normally, I'm incredibly impatient. I pace at bus stops, get unjustifiably upset at people being late to arrangements, and check the mail more often than the mail is delivered when I'm waiting for a package to arrive. When I'm high, it only gets worse. What we had expected was Owl City, but what we got were two mediocre opening acts with hour long waits staggered between them. I felt like the concert would never start, and I was getting increasingly uncomfortable due to the fact that there was nowhere to sit but the ground. Eventually, though, the lights dimmed, colors bloomed around the stage, and the opening bars of a familiar tune resonated in my ear.

Now for those of you experienced with psychedelics, you'll probably be familiar with the fact that when you're looking at bright colorful lights or in a club, you don't see the most intense visuals. You just see really awesome lights, and you feel really good about it. The concert was a blast. I felt immersed in the music and the ever-changing rainbow of bright lights dancing across the House of Blues. After numerous encores, my cheeks were sore from smiling and my throat was hoarse from singing.

I stepped outside, and that's when I noticed something was up.

I looked down the row of buildings that make up Downtown Disney, and the moment I did, my entire field of vision began to rotate, until it looked like the buildings on either side of the cobblestone street were wobbling slowly back and forth like a tower of jell-o in slow-mo. The ambient lighting was undulating - soft oranges, blues and purples were cast along the path from nowhere in particular.


My friends and I made the walk back to the car talking about the concert and the structurally unsound buildings I had just seen, and I got in the back seat while they took the front.

If you're still with me, here's where it gets interesting.

Music is playing very quietly in the car, and it is dark within. I can't see very much outside of the car - I just see lights from the dashboard reflected on the windows. So; we're driving along, following the instructions of a dashboard GPS, when in response to some bizarre direction, one of my friend asks where the hell it's taking us. I joke about how it's probably gonna take us out into the middle of nowhere, you know, to get rid of us. @_@

That joke was my undoing. A viscous cycle in my head forms - getridofusfieldmurderbodies - rapid-fire unpleasant thoughts as I stare blankly forward. Trying to distract myself from the thoughts, I glance to my left.

Sitting in the seat next to me is a blackened cadaver, with beady orange eyes, propped up on the seat and staring directly at me.

'Hoooooooooly shit.'

I snap my eyes shut immediately and kick my feet into the place where I saw the hallucination. I know I'm hallucinating, but if you've ever played Amnesia and run into a walking monstrosity just around a corner, you know how terrifying that can still be. I quickly relay my experience to my comrades as coherently as my tongue will allow, and reluctantly open my eyes. A dirty black rat is crawling down my sneaker toward my leg. I shake my shoe without thinking and snap my eyes shut again. I've never hallucinated like this, and it's incredibly disorienting.

I open my eyes again. Now there is no rat or corpse, but beady orange eyes in my field of vision - everywhere I look - swirling around and staring at me. I look over at the driver's side window, I see the snout of a lycanthrope, with teeth inches long, mouth hungrily agape. I look at my friend's hair. It's a pair of angry dogs tussling each other around - no, wait - it's a giant mound of rotting flesh. I can see the worms and maggots wriggling and writing in and out of the holes throughout it. It changes again - now it's a big bone frame with a brain in the center of its maze of calcified shards.

At this point my jaw is just hanging open while I gawk at her hair and describe what I'm seeing to her. Never had I seen anything like this, and it was engrossing. Over the remainder of the journey, the werewolf never left here window, but continued to eye her hungrily, and I saw the dogs a few more times - eventually making them seem happy instead of angry ('why can't they be happy dogs?' she had said). The beady orange eyes returned later that night when I was trying to fall asleep, but at that point they weren't even mildly disconcerting, I just wanted my brain to turn off.

I haven't had an experience so intense since. A combination of LSD and 2C-T-7 got close (shadowy figures running down the hall and disappearing as soon as they hit the light), as did 60mg of 2C-B, and another time on LSD (the blankets on my beds looked like a bunch of swimming bodies tangled up) but I have yet to again see, in full detail, shit that wasn't there.

It was pretty awesome.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 96421
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 25, 2012Views: 3,928
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2C-E (137) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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