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Superior Clarity of Thought
Citation:   atomwarrior. "Superior Clarity of Thought: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp96833)". Feb 10, 2021.

T+ 0:00
30 mg sublingual 2C-T-2
  T+ 12:00   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 12:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
I decided to write my own report on the nature of this substance after reading many reports online. First off, I obtained the sample of T2 from a reliable source a couple of months back.

Early on a friday afternoon I decided to weigh out exactly 30 mg worth of said compound and proceed to administer sublingual. Phenethylamines have a very distinct taste to them but depending what is at that 4 position it can taste a bit different. To me at least, both T2 and T7 have a slight garlicky after taste to them, is is probably because of that S atom attached at the position however T7 tastes particularly 'spicy'.

Anyway, material took about 1.5 hrs to start kicking in. I felt myself getting higher by the minute, very stoned but aware of everything that was going on. My high continued to progress and at around the 3 hour mark...thats where the fun started! At around 3.5 hrs the periphery of my vision began to be surrounded by what I can describe as one of the most unique astounding visuals I have ever had the pleasure of observing. ITS FUCKING BEAUTIFUL...!!! I describe it as halos of rainbows that surround objects, they can be spherically concentric and shift around all over my field of vision. The compound draws my attention to the beauty of geometric structure. One becomes easily distracted by intricate geometric patterning. This visual is not warm and earth or 'acid like' not at all! Its own thing, no doubt! The compound permitted me to explore my distinct emotional states with incredible clarity and ease. I felt that I could very easily address issues or problems that I had been dealing with or that of others. My mind was in a sharp, focused, exalted state. I immediately think to myself 'This is an amazing compound!' My visual now has another layer to it and I can see halos of images superimpose on one another, super cool! :D

T=4 hrs: I come to the conclusion that I am super blasted like Ive never been and that I cant keep the secret to myself anymore. I need to share this beast level high with someone else, I close friend, someone as nutty as me lol! :) At this point I call my friend M and decide to head into the city. I grab everything I need, my scale, all the T2, spatula, all that shit and head out. I grab my bike and attempt to ride out only to realize that my visuals are too strong and I cannot clearly see to drive properly. Not just that but I noticed something really cool with this compound not found in other materials (except T7 but to a lesser degree) SIGNIFICANT AUDIO DISTORTION!!! WOW everything around me sounded like being put through some kind of metal cutter/grinder/whatever...My perception of AUDIO not just visual was so altered that I had a hard time riding my bike because the sound of the chain was overpresent in my mind. Time to head to the train station, where I will be forced to 'interact with others' LOL! XD

T=6hrs: I am in the city and called my buddy M to pick me up at the station. I told him what I had done so he knew what to expect. Once I meet up with them I notice that M has brought another person along from the ride, a coworker of his. Awkward moment I try to control myself as much as I can to not freak out his friend and wait til we get to the apartment but its fucking hard cause I AM SEEING AND HEARING SHIT haha! XD Finally we get to his place where I can be myself and relax a bit. I can't contain myself any longer and bust out the bag of T2 and describe my experience to them. I tell them this is pretty much one of the best highs of your life and just by looking at me my friend M is down to sample some. He also had some 2C-B pressed pills that he had recently obtained and decided to munch on one, I fed him 7 mg worth of T2 and he proceeded to join me in the adventure.

T=8 hrs: M is now feeling the effects of the compounds he took, total 10 mgs of phens. He starts getting mild visuals and informs me of this. I on the other hand am still supa dupa blasted and its great!!! :D We decide we need to put some music on so I run thru my dubstep collection. Excellent choice! The music lifted me even higher than I already was...GOOD! We also enjoyed a good conversation and I felt that I could express myself with my friend with utmost clarity and beauty.
I felt that I could express myself with my friend with utmost clarity and beauty.
I really like this aspect of the compound, it allows one a great deal of self analysis. :)

T=12 hrs: Still listening to tunes, having a blast but now M is tired (he didnt take as much as I did) and would like to rest. He proceeds to lay down and now I have to be haiii all on my own again, which is fine. I decided I needed to smoke a bowl and proceeded to do so. I don't include cannabis in the report because I know what it does very well and I know that smoking doesnt color my experience with T2 in any way. Proceeded to raid the fridge and drink some beers, I needed them!

T=16 hrs: M is fully asleep and I'm still fucking mega super duper haaaiii...WOW...GREAT!!! :D The only other compound to get me as lifted as this is 2C-E! ;) The experience continues on a positive note, the sun is beginning to rise now. No more audio distortion by this point (ended abt 1 hr prior) and my visuals are not as strong anymore. However, I still feeling incredibly loaded!

T=18 hrs: I am starting to come down now, no doubt. Visual has pretty much subsided and my body load is slowly starting to clear. WHOA...that was AMAZING! 30 mg of compound gave me one of the best experiences of my life, very fond of this material! I havent done it again in a while, looking forward to another encounter with T2.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Feb 10, 2021Views: 557
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2C-T-2 (53) : Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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