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Pleasurable With a Caution
Leonotis leonurus & Tea
Citation:   Br33zy. "Pleasurable With a Caution: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus & Tea (exp97107)". Jan 16, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Leonotis leonurus
  1 glass oral Tea
I went over to a friends house and he had some lions tail that he grew so we decided to smoke since I had recently purchased some seeds to start growing my own. He packed a bowl and I took a total of 4 hits. I hadn't smoked anything in about 3 months but I am experienced with ganga. It was the same onset as ganja and I had no trouble at all smoking it, I actually stated that I liked how it tasted after the first hit. Not as strong tasting as ganja but I thought it was pleasant. It was definitely ganja like and I think it is a great alternative. I felt more laid back, not as anxious or stressed. It also had euphoric feelings as well. The noticeably effects lasted about 30 mins for the 4 hits. I know I didn't have to smoke as much to experience the desired effects because of how I had not smoked anything in a few months.

After we chilled for a bit and it was pretty much worn off I decided to head home. This was approximately a 1.5 hrs after we initially smoked. I had decided to stop at Wendys on my way home and I got a medium sized Wild Berry Tea. About 10 minutes after drinking the tea I had to threw up. I wasn't feeling sick, tired, or anything negative other then throwing up. I threw up a little, it wasn't anything horrible and I felt fine. I looked up the chemical constituents of lions ear when I got home and found that the second highest chemical property is tannins. I'm guessing that the tannins from the black tea combined with a empty stomach and lions ear made me throw up. Would be beneficial to eat before smoking and not just drink black tea with it like I did.

Otherwise, this is a great (Legal!) alternative to ganga. At the least this can be combined with ganja for smoking, which would make the ganja stash last longer. I have tried a couple other of legal ganja alternatives and this was definitely the best one in my opinion.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97107
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 16, 2020Views: 1,064
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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