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Stimulating After Some Time
Citation:   givememdma. "Stimulating After Some Time: An Experience with Methylone (exp97151)". Oct 2, 2018.

T+ 0:00
120 mg oral Methylone (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 10 mg sublingual Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:50   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Hello, this is my first ever report on any substance taken. I decided to write it because I intend to keep experimenting with substances and see what they do.

Having received half a gram of bk-MDMA HCl, I'm eager to experience its effects, if any. This is my first experience with a relatively unknown substance. I consumed this right after it arriving because I haven't had any stimulant for quite a while. It came in the form of fine, sugar-like tan-to-gold crystals, very fine crystals. I crush a tiny amount (~ 1 mg) and snort it for allergy test. It burns like hell, and I regret snorting it right afterwards. I have a curbed septum.

I go to sleep at about 7 PM, I felt tired from work. I wake up and have a not so light dinner at noon, strangely I can't remember what it was. I prepare 2 solutions of 240 mg in two 330 ml bottles of water, one for me, the other for my girlfriend.

We plan to take ~ half of the solution in a row, and save the rest for boostage later on.

1. AM
T+0:00 - Ingested half of the solution myself. 10 mg applied sublingually.
T+0:30 - Feeling 'fresh', MDMA like comeup.
T+0:50 - Walking now, strangely it has not kicked in, maybe what I felt was placebo.

T+1:00 - Arrived at my spot, put some music on and relax, the music does not feel right, feeling some anxiety.
T+1:30 - Feeling fresh again, not rushy or anything, quite relaxed, my mood is now right, don't even feel my headache.+1
T+1:40 - With time passing by, real euphoria is felt, not so strong as crystal MDMA. I feel the urge to drink the rest of the solution as consequence to the euphoria, and desire to do things. ++

T+2:00 - The effects are still rising up, not feeling abnormal love, but very talkative with my girlfriend. She's now coming up as she took it a while after me.
T+2:15 - Music sounds good, not dancing but moving at its sound, talking with my girlfriend for lots of time, very warm body rush.
T+2:30 - Ended up taking the solution all at once, to fuel my building physical rush, very pleasant feeling.

T+3:30 - Came down in a sort of way, feeling dehydrated, drinking lots of water, but the stimulation is all there and I'm dancing to some very fast paced music, not my usual music preference.
T+5:50 - I begin to feel a bit cold, as I was topless during the experience, and dress myself. I stop listening to music and go outside, begin walk to gf's place, but stop in a park for a smoke. Didn't smoke during the experience, didn't feel the urge to do it, very good. (I am a cig smoker, usually smoke mj but my stash is down now)

T+6:00 - Grinding my teeth for quite some time, do not feel tired, very stimulated.
T+7:00 - Go to bed, all sweaty, can't fall asleep, grinding my teeth like hell, pupils very dilated.
T+11:00 - I think I slept for some hours. Feeling nice.

Overall, it was a pleasant experience, but with some side effects, naturally. I wonder if it is possible for to the bk-MDMA to have been cut with MDPV or something, because the stimulation was really active for +5 hours, and very dilated pupils.

Looking forward to pihkal and tihkal featuring chemicals. I have tried DOB and LSD, looking forward to DOC, and some of the 2Cs. Right now I have 250 mg AMT freebase in stash, maybe in a few days I will dose it.

Cheers, and happy times.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97151
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 2, 2018Views: 1,104
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Methylone (255) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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