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I Don't Understand
by mha
Citation:   mha. "I Don't Understand: An Experience with DXM (exp9720)". Jul 27, 2004.

2000 mg oral DXM (capsule)
In the beginning of December of 2000 a friend offered me a drug called dex. All the description she was offered was that it was intense. Unfortunitly she was not yet familiar with the dosage, and had givin me 1 1/2 grams in capsule form. that was too much. My accomplice and I were certain that we were going to die. The light hurt our eyes terribly and my accomplice complained of terrible itching. It was so bad in fact, that the next day she found that she had scratched her face raw. We spent the duration of the drugs effects locked in a dark bedroom in fear of our lives. I would not feel this fear again for several monthes.

After a great deal of persuasion I found myself under the influance of dex again on New Years eve. I ingested approxamatly 500mg in capsule form as my first dose at 7:30pm along with several others. By 11:00pm nobody was feeling the effects and another 500mg was ingested by nearly every one present. then we smoked a joint and the party began.

I do not know if the marijuana effected the trip but suddenly I was very confused, and I know I was not the only one. Everything that happened seemed very difficult to understand, and I do mean everything. I could not remember if I had spoken out loud and repeated myself constantly. I knew that I was doing it, But I could not stop. On dex the snow in New England is an amazing rainbow of multi colored sparkles that are almost too small to see. It was the beginning of a very intense winter.

Throughout the month of January, I took dex 20 times. (I know this for certain because I keep a wellness diary.) To describe each trip and all the bazaar incidents that I witnessed would more energy than I have to give so I will describe the effects the drug had my mind, body and life.

I managed to negotiate the month of January, but in the beginning of Febuary I recieved my fist 50 gram shipment. To me that is 100 hits. I found that if I have dex, I will eat it constantly. I would trip for two weeks strait, every day, all day with occasional bits of restless slumber. I lost my job early in March, and could think of nothing better to do than to order more.

In the beginning of June I was up to my fifth shipment, and I was up to 1000mg a day. One evening my usual tripping companion and I decided to take four hits (or 2000mg) at once. All exactly I remember of the evening is standing to walk and falling on the floor and seeing my friend, also unable to walk. Eventually my boyfriend came home and helped me to bed. I remember thinking that it was time to cut down, after seeing how worried he was. The next evening things got interesting.

My boyfriend, my usual tripping companion and myself went to another friends apartment. Upon our arrival, I took only 1000mg. I am unsure of the dosage of any one else. Before long I found myself in a state I had never known before. I was not scared, to the contrary I was very excited. I believed that I was a cloud, able to percipitate, dissipate and shift about as a cloud would if givin human interaction. It was amazing, truly, and I would not take it back for the world. Not even to never have felt the terror that fallowed.

The ride home was a dream. I felt as if we were zipping into the dawn, as if we could just go a little faster and penetrate the very dawn itself. I pressed my face onto the cool glass of the car window and enjoyed the ride. When we arrived home, my bed met me with comfort and warmth. As I lie to sleep and closed my eyes the picture in my mind went bright white. I thought to myself about being afraid and attempted to speak. I could not. Nor could I move, no matter how I tried. For the next 5 hours I was projected to scenes in my childhood, my future, places that I've been to and places that I've never seen before. And to some of the most horrible places that I could ever imagine. I tried to scream for help and could not make a sound. I tried to move and my legs spasmed uncontrollably. When I snapped out of it it was not as if I had slept, but as if I were awakening from sleep. I was shaken and considerably upset.

After 2 days I was still not able to speak in complete sentences and I was coming to terms with the fact that I may never come down. by the third day I had begun to ponder questions like 'how will I work?' and 'how will I perform everyday functions?' On the fourth day I started to come down.

To this day I am not the same. My short term memory does not seem to be recovering, and neither does my attention span. I find that I am more sensitive than I was before the winter and my feelings are easily hurt. Also I have headaches that I can find no other explanation for, exept maybe for withdrawals.

I hope that the reader will take away from my story a feeling of wariness. The effects of dex can be wonderful, but it can get out of hand so easily and before you know it, your wellbeing can be seriously compromised. Proceed with caution.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9720
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 27, 2004Views: 35,918
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DXM (22) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Overdose (29), Post Trip Problems (8), Various (28)

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