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Repairing My Soul After the WTC Attacks
Citation:   Canyon Tripper. "Repairing My Soul After the WTC Attacks: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp9727)". Jul 8, 2005.

2.0 g oral Mushrooms (fresh)
I spent a week in a Canyon in Utah with some friends. Three of us get together in the Southwest every few years and clear our souls with a nice shroom trip…

My friend grows them in his house in Phoenix just for these trips.

We consumed right as the hot sun went down over the canyon walls - just around 6PM. As relaxed as I felt - I still had some anxiety relating the attacks on New York on 9/11/01. I live near the disaster site and lived with the foul stench until I left for this trip.

The shrooms kicked in at about 20 minutes. Amazing swirling visuals in the rocks and some rock faces with vertical lines appeared to be dancing. As I entered deeper into the experience, I began to distrust the place we were in. It seemed almost TOO trippy - the walls were sculpted by ancient waters and had looked like wailing souls - the heat still penetrated form these rocks even though the temperature was cool. I climbed out of this evil canyon and found a rock that overlooked the entire site. As my friends explored and tripped, I watched and danced. I danced for my friends still in New York and I danced to protect myself from evil. I kept repeating 'one two three' over and over again while I danced. The visuals still strong after a hour and a half.

My tension grew and my friends noticed it. As far gone as we were - they were able to talk to me - even though I could not communicate what I was exactly feeling. I wasn't feeling bad - as long as I stayed on my rock. I was worried - I saw planes in the sky and began to worry for the passengers. I started to think that when I smelled the World Trade Center smoke at home, I was actually inhaling burnt remains of humans!

Then a huge shooting star streaked across the sky and for a second I though it was a plane crashing. I was terrified - and then I though to myself - 'Sometimes a shooting star is just a shooting star'. Then all of the sudden I noticed a few bats flying over head - they calmed me down as they flew around catching bugs. They made me feel safe. I was convinced they were guiding me. My friends came back to the rock I was on and we talked and smoked while we were coming down. I felt like I went through a year of therapy that night. I love my friends…

It was a great night!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9727
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2005Views: 4,828
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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