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Takes the Edge Off
Citation:   Max P.. "Takes the Edge Off: An Experience with Kava (exp9794)". Erowid.org. Nov 1, 2004. erowid.org/exp/9794

15 ml oral Kava (extract)
Kava Kava, liquid extract 15ml equiv 1000mg dry root Piper methysticum.
In the envelope of depression surrounding the news that I would have to undergo a drug test I decided I would do some grocery shopping. I had read about Kava Kava and how it is used as an alcohol substitute in the pacific islands, from what I hear it is a mild tranquiliser. I decided to go with the Max Kava Liquid Extract, it was a 'discontinued' line and sold for the price of $10 for 3x15ml vials. The box claimed a butterscotch flavour which made me breath a sigh of relief as experience reports tell of a disgusting taste, enough not to make it worthwhile. Pouring the liquid into a Glass of water I sipped away at the off colour brew which actually was quite palatable, the butterscotch doing most of the work for the tastebuds I think.

Within a few minutes my entire mouth was numb, like the numbness felt with nitrous oxide and even to a point, cocaine. Very relaxing thoughts, calm and peaceful outlook, the ability to put things into perspective and to cease to be concerned with problems such as being without my good friend mary jane for two months are all thought patterns that Kava Kava is a catalyst for. For a legal substance this is pretty powerful stuff, If I was a fascist lawmaker classing Kava I would have it most definitely in the same category as marijuana, possibly even opiates and scheduled tranquilisers.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9794
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 1, 2004Views: 28,789
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Kava (30) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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