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All Around Beautiful
DXM & Cannabis
Citation:   bawknee. "All Around Beautiful: An Experience with DXM & Cannabis (exp9825)". Nov 4, 2004.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  900 mg oral DXM  
  300 mg oral DXM  
Over spring break I went to tennessee to visit a friend and this led to my first time on many a drug. I had used DXM before but my dosage had been a mere 420 mgs but got my extremely loaded. This time was different. I had never taken DXM in a consintrated form. My friend, joseph, who I was staying with was cooking some up after he'd picked me up from the airport, it was around 6 in the evening. We'd gotten some food before going directly home so that we wouldn't be sick. We smoked bowl after bowl of a brand new shipment of hyrdro-cronic bud and then the DXM was ready. We all took 900 mgs of the DXM and then joseph put some music on. Pink floyd - the wall. We all sat talking for a while, about 2 hours, listening to the music and waxing intellectual about life, philosophy and whatever else a bunch of acid-headed teenages talk about. The DXM started kicking very quickly. I began feeling very disoriented and dizzy, nearly nausious. Everything was dancing and I felt insecure about everything. I decided that what I needed was to smoke another bowl and so I drug joseph and my other friend, cofee into the living room and we all smoked a bowl.

I layed down on the ground and the ground felt as though it was moving and everyone sounded muffled and distant like wind down a quiet alley. My whole body felt as though it was floating, especially my torso. I could feel sounds going through me and nothing that anyone said made any sense at all. My comprehension was moving like a snail. Joseph gave me 300 more mgs of the DXM and we smoked three more bowls and I decided I was done for the night. I felt incredibly inspired. Everything moved in slow motion and lights seemed brighter. At this point it was around midnight and everyone wanted to go out but I wanted to stay in so cofee stayed with me and we watched the wall. All of the DXM had kicked by this time and I felt lethargic and my breathing was erratic, as always on DXM. It was my first time seeing the wall and although I could hardly comprehend any of it at all, I was moved in every way. The drugs helped in understand in a different light. My experience was all around beautiful.

I fell asleep and woke up some hours later, still night time and I felt like a million bucks. I was in a wonderful mood and my body felt like it was falling, like there was something both new and strange writhing around in my veins. I love DXM.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 9825
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 4, 2004Views: 10,367
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DXM (22) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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