It's Like Edible Cocaine With a Hint of MDMA
4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone)
Citation:   sonofanon. "It's Like Edible Cocaine With a Hint of MDMA: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (Mephedrone) (exp98446)". Feb 19, 2013.

T+ 0:00
300 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone (capsule)
  T+ 1:02 70 mg insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:10 130 mg insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:40 100 mg insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
5:20 pm - Two capsules down the hatch. I let them sit and dissolve in my mouth until I tasted them break first. Tastes pretty gross. I ate half a bowl of ramen before consuming the meph. Also, I definitly have some kind of tolerance, I have been using mephedrone alot the past week including ~750mg insufflated over a 7 hour timespan.

5:45 pm - Interesting feeling of warmth in my stomach/ heart region but no discomfort or pain. Heart rate suddenly increased, I can feel it beating now. Body high kicking in, a feeling of pleasure similar to MDMA. Skin feels warm, especially on my hands which are starting to sweat.

5:56 pm - Resting heart rate 120bpm, and my mouth is getting pretty dry. Experiencing slight tunnel vision and increased focus. Short term memory not impaired at all.

6:22 pm - Effects have plataued, not nearly as intense as expected! Pales in comparison to a strong MDMA roll, but is very similar to a cocaine high. Insufflated 70mg, 35mg each nostril to increase intensity.

6:28 pm - Insufflated dose kicked in, doesnt make much of a difference. I noticed I'm making rapid eye movements and am a little less accurate when turning to look at something. Heart rate appears the same. Pleasant euphoric body high, very similar to cocaine. Not as empathogenic as MDMA but still a resounding feeling of contentness, an big ego boost and increased willingness to communicate. Increased body energy, no fatigue. Music is very enjoyable.

6:48 pm - Still no negative effects

7:13 pm - Still noticably high, but beggining to comedown. Slight nystagmus when trying to concentrate

7:30 pm - Insufflated 130mg, and decided to finish all my meph tonight. After a few minutes this brings me back to plateu level

8:00 pm - Insufflated another 100mg, 50 in each nostril. No real negative effect have been felt up to this point. Heart rate 110bpm

8:35 pm - Repeated above dosage, finishing my supply of mephedrone. I must note that with every repeated dose the same amount becomes less effective

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98446
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 19, 2013Views: 2,311
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