Millions of Eyeballs
DMT and Cannabis
Citation:   parallelunivers3. "Millions of Eyeballs: An Experience with DMT and Cannabis (exp98522)". Apr 2, 2013.

T+ 0:00
1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:10 3 hits smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
This is my first experience breaking through on DMT. At the time of the experience, I was an 18 year old white male. I am still a white male, to avoid any confusion, just no longer 18. At the time I had a high school diploma and very little college experience, lived with my parents, had a minimum wage job at a fast food restaurant, no girlfriend (although this never bothered me), enjoyed art, psychology, philosophy, physiology and anatomy, neuroscience, metaprogramming, and psychedelic drugs. This was not my first experience with DMT, but the first time I was able to 'break through'. I have had past drug experiences with cannabis, DMT, LSD, psilocybin, DXM, nitrous oxide, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, cocaine, a few opiates, MDMA, LSA (morning glories), 'Spice' Product, 'Bath Salts', Sertraline (SSRI), and I am sure I am forgetting a few other chemicals.

It is important to note that at the time of the experience, I had discontinued my daily dose of 100mg sertraline for at least 2 weeks.

T-10 days: My friend D and I split the cost on slightly more than 1 gram of DMT. It is obtained easily enough, looks like a white powder, and every couple days we smoke some together.

T-1 hour: I am over at D's house with D, B, and T. By this point, D had already broken through for the first time days ago, but I had not because I like to act very cautiously around chemicals I do not know well, especially when, upon reading about DMT (mostly at and DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman), I learned that it is quite an intense trip. Although none of my trips were 'breakthroughs' by this point, they were still quite powerful in the form of intense euphoria, visual and aural hallucinations, kaleidoscopic CEVs and significant time distortion.

T-30 minutes: D and I are putting a DMT/cannabis mix into a small glass pipe, with the intention of sharing our DMT with B and T.

T-15 minutes: D realizes he should not smoke the DMT, as his mother is not home and he needs to watch after his very young niece. He encourages us to smoke the DMT without him. We comply, and begin to walk to D's Recreation Room.

D's recreation room is quite interesting. It originally was not part of D's house. One day, years ago, D woke up and his father had put a hole in the wall of their laundry room. His father then poured cement outside where he wanted the recreation room, hauled a pool table to the middle of the cement slab, and built walls and a roof around that. The end result looks somewhat like an unfinished garage, with an incomplete ceiling (basically just nothing to separate the 'attic' part from the rest of the room besides the necessary wooden boards), a few couches, tables, ashtrays, etc.

T-10 minutes: B, T and I are all in D's recreation room. B is sitting to the left of me, on the same couch that I am residing on. T is sitting on a directly adjacent couch to the right of me. We smoke a bowl of cannabis.

T-0 minutes: I light the bowl containing DMT, careful not to let the flame directly touch any DMT. The cannabis packed around the DMT is helpful in getting it to vaporize, and I exhale my first hit. I then take 2 more hits, the last hit being the largest.

T+25 seconds: I hold my 3rd hit in my lungs as I pass the pipe to B, and look at the 'ceiling' of the recreation room, which seems to be vibrating ever so slightly.

T+27 seconds: The wooden boards are vibrating in a more violent fashion now, bending at almost 90 degree angles.

T+30 seconds: From this point on in the trip, I am unable to perceive time at all. The boards bend as far as they can and all begin to snap, sending imaginary wooden shrapnel everywhere in my field of vision, but with a pattern to it. I realize everything is spinning in circles around me and I am pulled up through the ceiling into the sky and into another dimension. The whole time this is happening, I am being filled up with an overwhelming feeling of intensity.

I am surrounded by light and for a moment, feel the most intense fear of my life, but it quickly subsides to a feeling of absolute joy. I feel as though I am connected, literally connected and one with a benevolent entity that makes up all of existence. I am the universe, and feel nothing but joy in the form of light.

The entity then changes from light into a shape-shifting tree that I am inside of. Vincent Van Gogh could not have created such a beautiful masterpiece. I see millions of eyeballs, staring at me, occasionally blinking. These eyeballs have veins and arteries pouring out of their backs, essentially a fleshy spider web, and as the fleshy veins/arteries move farther away from the eyeballs, they take on less of a fleshy nature and more of a wooden nature. To put it simply, eyeballs are morphing into tree branches. These tree branches then create a wooden 'spider web' that makes up the walls of the tree that I am inside of. Simultaneously, I see billions upon billions of cells, giving the tree its real shape-shifting effect. They are constantly moving around in a pattern that I cannot understand, and they make up everything that exists. They make up what I am, they make up the eyeballs and they make up the veins and arteries that slowly morph into tree branches. Existing in this tree seems to last an eternity.

I look at myself, and I am not myself. I am made up of white and blue light. I am some sort of orb. This is when I begin to come down. I start floating in a downwards direction, eventually reaching the hole in the roof of D's recreation room. I float through the hole and see my own body, unconscious on the couch, sitting next to B. I blink.

T+10 minutes: My eyes open and I am once again inside of myself. There is no hole in the roof of D's recreation room, all the wooden boards are perfectly okay, and I am quite confused. I feel an incredible pressure in my body, and have no clue what to do with it. I look at T, who laughs, causing me to remember how to laugh again. As I laugh uproariously, the pressure in my body subsides.

T+11 minutes: Everything is bouncing around with energy. I am no longer in the breakthrough, but I am still tripping. I close my eyes and see nothing but rainbows. I open my eyes and everything is still bouncing up and down, in unison. It feels like a more natural, more calm LSD buzz than anything else. The room has an Amazonian feel to it.

T+13 minutes: I stand up off of the couch, abandon B and T and run into D's room. D's room has a completely different personality than the recreation room has, not Amazonian at all. D's room feels more like an underwater cave.

T+14 minutes: I tell D all about what I had just experienced with my first breakthrough and he is happy to hear it. Everything I say does not make complete sense, causing D to laugh at me a little bit, which I am okay with because I just want to try to explain what I had just seen to him.

T+15 minutes: I walk back out to the recreation room to smoke a cigarette.

T+16 minutes: I light my cigarette. It tastes dirty. I realize DMT makes me dislike smoking, but I smoke my cigarette anyways. (Damn addiction!)

T+20 minutes: I am almost back to baseline, with only barely noticeable differences in perception now.

T+30 minutes: I am completely at baseline from the DMT. If I am feeling anything, it is the grass I smoked earlier.

Overall I had an amazing first breakthrough experience. I would not recommend it to those who do not like overly-intense experiences, because I do not believe there is a way to enjoy it without it being overly-intense. I also advise any user to be careful, because I feel as though there is not much of a way to feel DMT without feeling either intense terror or intense love. I am grateful that I only experienced less than a second of intense terror, and the upside of ten minutes feeling intense love.

Would I do it again? YES. Except if I do it again, I will attempt to indulge even deeper into the beautiful DMT void.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 2, 2013Views: 5,140
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DMT (18), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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