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Into the Wild Green Yonder
AMT & Cannabis
Citation:   Scrub. "Into the Wild Green Yonder: An Experience with AMT & Cannabis (exp98848)". Jul 2, 2019.

T+ 0:00
  oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 .5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 2:00 .5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 2:45 .5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 11:15 .5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 11:15 7 tablets oral Etizolam (pill / tablet)

SETTING: G and I have practiced several times with smaller doses of AMT, we had recently acquired some from our vendor and decided to step it up a knotch with 75. I am an artist and thoroughly enjoy psychedelics as I gain new inspiration and creativity from each experience,We began at G's house.
We knew we were in for one hell of a ride!

7:00pm : Lift off, 150mg of AMT acquired from a trustworthy online vendor, eyeballed into 2 equal piles for G and myself, and then bombed in a rizzla.

7:30m : Slight feelings of nausea as expected, Pupils at this point are fully dilated (odd as previous doses took 2 hours to take any effect)

G and I leave from G's house and head to the city to pick up some bud, an essential catalyst for the trip.

8:00pm : As we walk I begin to loose track of thought and perception, classic amt haze signs, my only thought was that this stuff was coming on way quicker than planned and something big was definitely in store. We pick up the bud and proceed too walk to a nice spot too smoke just on the edge of the city center.

8:30pm : Holy ****! G and I sat and smoked a spliff whilst looking upon the street below, the minute the smoke hit my lungs it was blast off. The black metal bars along the steps we were sitting on began to shift and distort.
G and I had both noticed the old castle wall next to us was covered in patterns, each cobblestone covered with red and blue tribal markings, Very strong OEVS, I couldn't believe my luck!

9:00pm : G and I swiftly left our previous smoking spot as it was still early evening and dog walkers were passing us, we must have walked for another 30 minutes before sitting down in a small park next to some woods. I rolled another spliff and we sat and marveled at our surroundings.

G pointed out that the sandpit in front of us resembled a map somewhat similar to middle earth, we could see tiny villages and people among the mounds of sand. At this point the nausea feeling had gone.

9:45pm : Once we finished our spliff we headed back to G's house as his family were going to bed soon so we could chill in his living room. We stopped on a bench along a cycle track for another spliff NOTE: Every time we smoked the OEVS seemed to get more and more intense, as we were walking fractal patterns would form on almost every surface.

I rolled a spliff, which at this point was a tremendous effort, I couldn't stay focused on what I was doing for more than 5 seconds at a time as something would catch the corner of my eye. For future reference I willpre-roll everything to avoid frustration later on. We smoked the spliff and discussed our thoughts on the trip so far and what lie ahead, both of us felt really positive and couldn't believe how well it had turned out.

10:15pm : G and I arrived at his, everyone was still awake so we swiftly went upstairs to avoid any confrontation, We both lay down in G's room and decide to put on a documentary about the universe. The narrators voice was very peaceful but for some reason this put me very on edge and made everything a bit too much so we switched it off and lay in the darkness listening too music. CEVS at this point were fully blown, as I am an aspiring artist I seized this opportunity to draw as much as possible, this proved hard as I was feeling fairly disorientated.

11:15pm : G's family went to bed so we went downstairs into the living room, We spend the next 7 hours downstairs. We were at the peak of the trip, anything digital I.e stereo/T.V morphed into transformer like robots, People in paintings began too move around. CEVS were also very strong at this point, Terrestrial markings that glowed green and pink in rings surrounded by creatures, eyes and symbols plastered my mind and left me astonished.

We went out into G's back garden and smoked several spliffs throughout the night, Each time gazing into the sky which was now a minefield of electrical currents and lazer beams. We spent the next few hours of which I can remember listening to shpongle and staring into the unknown.

6:15am : The OEVS began too fade so we decided to smoke our last spliff and take a few etizolam we had also acquired from our trusted vendor. (NOTE etizolam are VERY handy when battling restlessness, I personally wouldn't trip without them.) we dropped 7 each and I was out like a light within 10 minutes.

I woke the next day after several hours sleep with a nice after glow and a feeling of fulfillment. I enjoyed this experience and cant wait to dabble further into the void of alpha-methyl-tryptamine.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98848
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 2, 2019Views: 727
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Cannabis (1), AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), General (1)

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