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Not What I Had Expected
Citation:   OldManJenkins. "Not What I Had Expected: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp98868)". Mar 10, 2013.

1.5 mg sublingual 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)

I have always been very interested in drugs and the effects that they bring. My experience with drugs before this one was limited to cannabis and mushrooms. The setting of this trip was a Saturday night at a college campus when I had no engagements or deadlines to worry about, and thus was in a very relaxed and worry-free state of mind. My trip-buddy was my roommate Q, whose experience with drugs also consisted of cannabis and mushrooms. My girlfriend L trip-sat for us throughout the night, and did not consume any drugs.

T: 0:00 – Q and I each placed two 750 ug blotters underneath our tongues and decided to play some video games while we waited for the effects to come on.

T: +0:30-0:45 – At this point, we both began to feel that something was happening, although neither of us could really describe it. We began to perform more poorly at the game and kept laughing at random and insignificant things.

T: +1:00 – The effects were building fast, and both of us began to feel extremely cold and jittery. We each bundled ourselves up in blankets and laid down on our beds to make ourselves more comfortable and try and alleviate the feeling of coldness. I remember severely disliking these side-effects, however once the visual effects began to come up I either forgot about or stopped experiencing the cold feeling, although the jitters persisted throughout the trip.

T: +1:15 – I slowly began to experience visual distortions; if I kind of zoned out while looking at the ceiling the dots on it would begin to slowly shift and rearrange themselves. For the next five minutes I sat and watched this and attempted to describe the visual to Q and L. At this point Q told me that all he really felt was extremely jittery but no real visuals or change in thought.

T: +1:25 – I started to feel like I needed to get up and do something. I've gotten this type of feeling of an overwhelming urge to go do something both times I've taken shrooms, and I felt sure that going on a walk would be the right thing to do. Unfortunately, it was very cold outside, so I bundled myself up very well to ensure that side-effect of extreme coldness wouldn't return. I felt really positive and secure being so bundled up, which made me feel really euphoric. Q, L, and I decided that we should go to our campus's student union, as a laser tag event was being held and we were all confident that it would be quite the experience to participate in it while tripping. At this point my visuals had increased to the point where if I stared at my hand I could watch it change colors, shifting from dark to bright and back to dark.

T: +1:30 – Before we left I went to the bathroom, and at this point the visuals were still building. As I stood and peed, it seemed like the entire stall was turning grey and shifting around me. Once I finished, L, Q, and I began our adventure to the student union.

T: +1:35-2:00 – I thoroughly enjoyed the walk to the student union. Immediately as I stepped outside, I realized that I was tripping. I really enjoyed looking at all of the trees and buildings that we passed, with the trees looking really awesome in a kind of strange way. I did experience some feelings of paranoia, as whenever I wanted to talk to Q about what I was feeling I looked behind me to make sure there was no one too close.

T: +2:00 – I think my trip peaked at this time, right when I walked into the student union's cafeteria. I was overwhelmed with a mass of noise and confusion, as the entire area was filled with people talking and eating and laughing with one another. Q and I sat at a table and just kind of took in our surrounding, while L went to buy a burrito. We both discussed what exactly we were experiencing, and at this point Q told me that he was also fully tripping. All of the sensations around me made it really difficult to concentrate on one specific thing. At this point, if I looked at someones face it would kind of take on a strange, almost rectangular like shape. L soon returned with her burrito as well as a Coke. She offered me a taste of each, and while I was in no way hungry I was very curious as to what eating would be like in my current state and accepted. Neither really tasted particularly amazing, but it was a extremely strange sensation to feel the burrito kind of mush around in my mouth as I ate it, and certainly an interesting one.

T: +2:30 – The laser tag games didn't begin for another half hour, so once we finished eating we decided to go to the game room. As I walked in my paranoia returned, and I grew concerned that the person working at the desk would sense that me and Q were on something and call the police. This feeling quickly passed when we entered into the back part of the room away from the person at the desk, and was the last sense of paranoia I experienced for the night. Q and I played a light-gun game, but I spent half of the time trying to figure out if was really playing or not, and we lost pretty quickly. We then played a racing game against each other, but I found myself having to put all of my effort into not crashing into the walls.

T: +2:45 – At this point we began to make our way towards the area where the laser tag was being held. We purchased a couple of milkshakes on the way. Once again I wasn't really hungry, but I was very curious to see what a milkshake would be like after my experience with the burrito. We had L order our milkshakes as we both knew that it would be quite the challenge to attempt to do so in our state. Unfortunately, the milkshake wasn't anything truly remarkable, however I really enjoyed sitting with my two friends and people-watching while we waited for the drinks to be prepared. Once they were finished, we began to make our way up to the laser tag area. We took an elevator to get up to the next floor, which was a really fun experience as its interior was shiny and sleek and fun to look at. Once we all stepped out of the elevator on the upper floor, Q and I both agreed that it somewhat felt like we had just entered a wind tunnel. However, when we asked L about this she told us that it wasn't windy at all.

T: +3:00-4:30 – We were disappointed to find that there was a pretty sizable line in order to play, but we decided that we would regret not waiting to play. While we discussed what we should do, I found it incredibly difficult to comprehend what L was telling me. I also experienced a strange sense of space and my perception of it; I kept thinking I was about to bump into people who weren't that close to me or that objects that were close to me were actually far away. Finally our time to play had come, and we were placed in a team with three others. While we waited to enter, we made some small-talk, a feat which I found really difficult. When my time came to sign the waiver before we entered, I was completely unable to legibly sign my name and instead just gave the paper a quick scribble. While the employees working the event gave us the run-down on the rules and how to play, I could not at all comprehend them. Before I knew it we were given our equipment and the game began. Similarly to my ability with the light-gun game, I was terrible. I spent the entire time trying to figure out how to shoot my gun and whether or not I was being shot by the other team. Our team was quickly defeated, and while I was trying to figure out what just happened L, Q, and I left to head back to our dorm.

T: +4:30-5:00 – The walk back was as enjoyable as the walk there. We stopped along the way and sat on a bench, with Q and I attempting to piece together what just happened, with L attempting to help us and us all laughing at our absurd thought loops. If I looked at the grass in front of me, it would take on a bunch of fractal like patterns.

T: +5:00-8:00 - I spent the rest of the night relaxing in my dorm room. Q and I both tried to explain our experiences to each other, and I had fun drawing on a white board with markers while Q listened to music. Being able to be alone with my thoughts was extraordinarily nice, and easily one of my favorite my favorite parts of the entire experience. It was really interesting to simply think. When I went to sleep around 8 hours after consuming it, I was still not completely down, feeling as if I was high from smoking cannabis.

The next day Q and I both felt like we were somewhat mentally sluggish. However the day after that we were completely fine.


While I really disliked the side-effects that came along with the come-up, they either subsided or I managed to mostly forget about them for the rest of the night. My overall experience with this drug was a very positive one, with the only negative aspect outside of the side-effects being a few brief moments of paranoia. I would certainly recommend abstaining from too much time spent in large crowds on the first experience, as that was a very overwhelming experience which I think could have easily turned my entire trip into a negative one. The effects during the peak were really different than what I anticipated, and I can't really relate them to my experience with cannabis and mushrooms, and I definitely plan on using more of this drug in the future to learn more about it.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98868
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 10, 2013Views: 7,067
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25I-NBOMe (542) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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