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The Floodgates Opened
Cannabis (edible)
Citation:   Sweetblood17. "The Floodgates Opened: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp99575)". Aug 11, 2020.

1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Worst Experience of My Life

I have smoked marijuana many times since I was 15 years old, and have never been able to get high. Based on my tolerance to prescription medications, alcohol, etc. I determined I just had a very high tolerance for things. I don't enjoy smoking but I have heard weed can help with migraines and I was interested in trying some edibles to see if it could help the pain.

I obtained a 100mg weed brownie and having never used edibles before asked an acquaintance, who I thought knew more about weed than he does, how much of it I should eat. He knows my usual high tolerance for things and told me to eat all of it.

This was a very bad thing to do. I had a normal day, ate a regular meal for dinner, and about 2 hours later at 10:30pm ate the 100mg brownie. I felt nothing until 11:30pm.

11:30pm: I suddenly started feeling strange. I was slightly dizzy, I felt like 10 minutes had passed in the span of 30 seconds, and I had some trouble concentrating. I wasn't worried and was just getting a grasp on feeling weird.

11:40pm: I lost all sense of time. Two minutes would pass in between a conversation I had with my husband and I thought it had happened 30 minutes ago. My concentration was worsening and I was beginning to feel dizzier and starting to get hot.

11:50pm: I started feeling nauseous and like I couldn't stand on my own two feet very well. I decided to lay down and thought the feeling would pass.

11:55pm: This is when it seemed like the floodgates opened. Everything spiraled out of control. I sat up and suddenly had to vomit. I was very hot and starting to sweat. Dizziness was out of control and I couldn't look at anything for more than a second. My eyes were very sensitive and my concentration was completely gone. I felt as if I wasn't in my own body, that is until I needed to retch again.

12:00am - 2:00am: This was the peak of my experience and the worst I have felt in my entire life. I was passing out intermittently between vomiting and crying. My entire body was numb and I couldn't move from my position on the floor, hovering over a trash can. I felt like I couldn't even concentrate enough to breathe. I was worried I would stop breathing and not be able to help it. I wasn't having any hallucinations or paranoid thoughts other than the ones related to the way I was feeling. I couldn't open my eyes to look at anything and it was an extreme chore to put together a sentence. I vomited more than I even thought was possible, and the retching was so strong I thought my head was going to explode.

2:00am: I was finally able to sleep around this time. I stopped throwing up and I was somewhat less dizzy. It started getting easier to control my breathing and instead of being hot I was suddenly freezing. I still could not move from where I was sitting.

6:00am: I awoke to see the sun starting to come up behind the blinds and found that I was still on the floor. I was able to open my eyes finally and look around the room without it spinning out of control. I could concentrate again and could feel my body enough to move. I had an excruciating headache but was able to crawl into bed.

I felt hungover and the headache lingered well into that evening. I didn't feel like I was totally starting to recover until about 24 hours after I initially ingested the THC brownie. For the next two days afterward my entire body was sore and it even hurt to cough.

I have given birth twice, the first time being all natural and pain med free and this brownie eating experience trumps that as the most horrifying thing I've ever experienced.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99575
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Aug 11, 2020Views: 1,328
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Cannabis (1) : Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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