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From Euphoria to Anxiety
Caffeine, MDMA, 2C-B & Pseudoephedrine
Citation:   Felix. "From Euphoria to Anxiety: An Experience with Caffeine, MDMA, 2C-B & Pseudoephedrine (exp99905)". Apr 30, 2022.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 115 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:45 50 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 20 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 10 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
I've used MDMA 6 times in the past one and a half years. I have tried to take good care to avoid health problems and spaced the experiences 2 to 4 months apart. In the last one and a half years I have also experimented a few times with shrooms, 2C-B, cocaine, ketamine and once with amphetamine and LSD. I've also smoked cannabis on and off weekly, though I've decided to give it a rest now since it seems to affect my ability to get things done too much if used regularly.

MDMA being my absolutely favorite drug. I don't let myself indulge in it too often. I find myself thinking of it more and more every day that passes closer to the upcoming experience. I have found it a good strategy to select a festival or another occasion to attend to months ahead of time, to avoid too frequent unplanned use. I have also decided that I would never consume more than 200mg of MDMA on a single occasion and to this day I've never done more then 150mg. Not that I wouldn't really crave to re-dose on the come down.

This time I was going to a large annual dance festival that I had bought tickets months in advance. But the closer the upcoming event came the more clearer it seemed to me that I should postpone the experience to another day. I had some stress and insecurity in my professional life, the company I was supposed to attend the festival with had changed. My friend Tim's girlfriend Laura who I barely knew had announced that she would be joining us with her sister who would also bring her boyfriend. The two of whom I never met. I myself had also invited my long lost friend Mike to the venue, due to a another friend canceling his attendance. He had never met the others before. Me and Mike planned on using drugs with the others sticking only to alcohol. Tim on my request had let the others know about Mike's and mine intention to consume MDMA so it wouldn't come as a surprise and start any arguments. On top of this on the day of the festival I started feeling that I might be getting a cold. On hindsight I should have definitely canceled or at least decided to postpone the drug use to another time.

Just before I left to the venue I popped a 100mg caffeine pill and a another one on the subway. I find that this helps me stay a bit more energetic. We hooked up on the way and arrived at the venue as a whole bunch. On the way I had gotten to know the others a bit and felt very good about the upcoming evening, since we were all getting along so well.

After 30 minutes at 21:00 me and Mike went to pop our first 115mg MDMA bombs. We started feeling the first smooth come up effects after 30 minutes and after an hour from dropping we reached the plateau. I had dressed in a way which drew quite a lot of attention to me and dancing in a very "E" like of way. Incorporating long limb movements and a slow tempo. So this made it very clear to everyone that I was rolling.

At 22:15 we both went to drop 50mg boosters. By this time our group had already split up quite badly with me, Tim and Mike being together while the other three conversed separately. Now also Mike decided to leave me and Tim while he went to listen another type of music in a different part of the large venue. Later he told me that he started feeling a bit of anxiety around Tim. I was still feeling very good dancing and conversing with Mike. I also enjoyed the attention I was getting a lot. Everyone wanted to say hi to me and some girls even photographed themselves with me. This was probably mostly due to my distinctive clothing.

At 23:30 I foolishly went to drop the 20mg 2C-B capsule. This was probably due to the excellent feelings I was having, since I usually try to go with the "less is more" principle. In utter stupidity I had gobbled another 10mgs of 2C-B some time after midnight. I started feeling some pain in my lower back. I thought it to be from 2C-B or drinking to much water. Thinking about it now I don't see why it would be because of the water. I anyway decided to cut back on the water since I wasn't even sweating at all. I tried stretching and "breathing away" the pain. Which of the later one seemed to work very well. By now Tim had had a bit too much to drink and had an argument with his girlfriend Laura. I was really starting to pick on Laura's anxiety.

This is where things really started going down hill. I suspect that this might be due to the 2C-B overpowering the MDMA midway the roll, causing a harsh come down. I left Laura's and Tim's company and went to sit in a quieter area hoping that a change in atmosphere would help and it did for a short while. But because of my distinctive clothing and showy behavior before I had loads of people asking me for drugs, which was starting to make me a bit paranoid. I decided that I would wait about 30 minutes for the next DJ to start playing and if I wouldn't feel any better by then I would leave. I wandered around the venue trying to pick a more positive vibe. Once I even started feeling much better when I closed my eyes for a moment and concentrated on the visuals and the music. But quickly after opening my eyes I again regressed to feeling unhappy. I felt like the music was bad and people dancing and having fun were stupid. I remember thinking that I really couldn't have done that much 2C-B since I was having close to no open eye visuals. At this point the DJ had changed and I didn't start to feel any better so I decided to leave. I said goodbye to Mike whom I had run into about 20 minutes ago. He had tried to make me feel at ease. Unfortunately without any success. When I had found my way to the cloak room to pick up my coat I started feeling better and even thought about returning. After a quick think I came to the conclusion that I felt better due to the significantly lesser amount of people in the cloak room and still decided to leave. I felt most of the anxiety leave me when I started to make my way through the open outdoors to get a cab. Rest of my return journey home went smoothly.

I believe the main reason that led to me feeling bad was the too carelessly taken 2C-B. My memories between about 22:30 and 01:40 are a bit foggy. I remember the course of events alright but seem to be lacking most of the details. Until now I've always remembered things very clearly after rolling especially the feelings that I experienced.
Until now I've always remembered things very clearly after rolling especially the feelings that I experienced.
I normally have a habit of memorizing the experience the next day and getting a bit of the feeling back. I fell a sleep nicely and woke up after just four hours sleep not even feeling tired. I felt very depressed since I felt that last night had been a waste due to not remembering the feelings I had felt. This passed quickly after I took a shower and got to wash my hair gel off which was constantly reminding me of last night. Writing this also helped very much to make me feel better.

This was the first time that using MDMA turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. I guess that even spacing the usage months apart I can't avoid the fact that positive effects might eventually start to get thinner.

Amounts were weighed with a cheap scale showing an accuracy of 1mg with the true accuracy probably being closer to +-5mg. I had added 30mg of pseudoephedrine to each of the 2C-B capsules to avoid coughing. This seemed to work very well. The pseudoephedrine was from a flu medicine called Duact® which has an antihistamine called acrivastine as an additive. So I guess each 2C-B capsule also contained 4mg of that.

This is the first experience report I've written. Hope I didn't bore you including too much detail.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99905
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Apr 30, 2022Views: 566
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MDMA (3), 2C-B (52) : Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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