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Citation Formats
Most citation formats now include a basic format for web documents although many do not yet have completely documented all the various types of online articles you might want to reference. Below are examples of how to create bibliographic references in three standard styles for three types of articles you might find on Erowid: articles by Erowid as a "corporate author", articles by a named author which have been published on Erowid, and articles by a named author which were originally published in another place but have been archived and accessed on Erowid. Reference formats are also included for images.

Two different dates are relevant to online citations, the date of publication (if one is listed) and the date the article or images was viewed by you. Including both of these dates is the best way to describe what version of a document you are citing, as web documents can move and change over time.

If you are writing a paper for a class or publication, check with your professor, teacher, or editor to make sure you're using the format they prefer. Many people tell us they can't reference Erowid pages because they do not list an author. Ask your professor how to cite a reference with a corporate author as this is how articles by Erowid should be cited.

Article or Page by Erowid:
  • Erowid. (2002, March 1). Article or Page Title Retrieved January 1, 2004, from
  • Erowid. "Article or Page Title." 1 January 2004 <>.
  • Erowid. "Article or Page Title.", 1 March 2002. Available from Accessed January 1, 2004.
Article by Named Author, Published on Erowid
  • APA
    Author's Last Name, First Name. (2002, March 1). Article or Page Title. Accessed January 1, 2004, <>
  • MLA
    Author's Last Name, First Name. "Article or Page Title." 1 March 2002. Accessed January 1, 2004 <>.
  • Chicago / Turabian
    Author's Last Name, First Name. "Article or Page Title.", 1 March 2002. Available from Accessed January 1, 2004.
Article by Named Author, Originally published elsewhere, Archived on Erowid
  • APA
    Author's Last Name, First Name. (2002, March 1). Article or Page Title. Original Publication Name, 5,129-140. Retrieved January 1, 2004, from
  • MLA
    Author's Last Name, First Name. "Article or Page Title." Original Publication Name 5, 129-140. 1 March 2002. Accessed 1 January 2004 <>.
  • Chicago / Turabian
    Author's Last Name, First Name. "Article or Page Title." Original Publication Name 5 (1 March 2002): 129-140. Available from Accessed January 1, 2004.
Image by Erowid, Published by Erowid.
  • Chicago / Turabian
    Erowid. "Brief title/description of image." 2001. Viewed Jan 1, 2004.
Image by Named Artist/Photographer, Published by Erowid.
  • Chicago / Turabian
    Artist's Last Name, First Name. "Brief title/description of image." 2001. (accessed January 1, 2004).
Image by Anonymous Artist, Published by Erowid.
  • Chicago / Turabian
    Anonymous. "Brief title/description of image." 2001. (accessed January 1, 2004).