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Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Erowid Announcement #24
Sept 3, 2001
Hey Friends,

We hope you're all having a fine summer. We're excited to say that our July membership drive was successful. We were shooting for 500 members by the end of July and as of September 2nd have now reached 522. Thanks to those of you who have shown your support by joining.

Most of our time in August was spent working on the site. We're looking for feedback, so check it out below and let us know what you think.

Note to those of you who have expressed interest in volunteering. The first step for volunteers is to fill out the form at: If you've already filled out the form, you should have received an email in the last few days with information about the volunteering process. If you've filled out the volunteers form, but didn't receive an email, send a note to

We welcome submissions, suggestions, criticisms, or corrections at

Fire, Earth & Sophie


    Launched out of Dancesafe's laboratory pill testing program, is an independent project, co-sponsored by Erowid, Dancesafe, MAPS, & the Promind Foundation. Its purpose is to collect, manage, and present laboratory pill testing results from a variety of organizations. The site is still in beta mode, though open to the public. Please let us know if you have any problems or suggestions for it. We're still looking for a skilled designer...if you are a graphic artist and can help, please contact us at

  2. Oscar Janiger Vault
    Oscar Janiger was an LSD research pioneer who passed away in August at the age of 83. This new vault provides a little background information about his work.

  3. Psychedelic Crisis FAQ - Major Revision
    The Psychedelic Crisis FAQ has been revised to include more information about how to assess a crisis situation in order to try to make it more useable as a real-time resource. We continue to look for feedback and suggestions for how to make this document better.

  4. Nightshade Vault
    While we already had a belladonna vault, this new herb vault covers additional varieties of nightshade. Includes images and legal information.

  5. Chloral Hydrate Vault
    This new vault includes Basics and Legal info for Chloral Hydrate or "Micky Finns".

  6. Psychoactives Humor Image Vault
    This is a new section for gathering psychoactive related humor as it comes our way. The first submissions are a photo of a Coca Cola billboard and a political cartoon. If you know of related websites or have a humor piece for submission, please send them to

  7. 1,4-B and GBL Dissolve Some Plastics
    Some info about 1,4-B and GBL reacting with certain types of plastic.

  8. Image Vault Additions
    See for a complete list.

    This month we were particularly busy with adding images to the image vault. Highlights include:

    Coca Balm
    Two varieties of Morning Glory
    Salvia divinorum seeds
    2C-B Vial
    Young Banisteriopsis caapi Vine
    Brugmansia arborea Fruit development
    P. cubensis cultivation
    Sinicuichi Comparison
    Glass bottle of 5-MeO-DMT crystals
    Bureau of Land Management Cannabis ticket
    Cannabis indica afghani leaf
    Ecstasy Tablets (labelled 'new' in index)
    Large P. cubensis Growkits
    Glass pipe used to smoke tryptamines

  9. 148 Experience Reports
    Visit this page for a list of the experience reports posted on Erowid since the last announcement. We are constantly adding reports, though they continue to come in faster than we can read them. So watch for reports that may have been submitted several months ago. You can sort the displayed reports in several ways by clicking on the headers "Title", "Author", Substance", and "Date". Clicking a second time on the header reverses the order (alphabetical or chronological) in which reports are listed.

  10. 19 Ask Erowid Questions
    This page gives an index of all the new questions that were answered since the last announcement. There's a few interesting ones in here.

  11. Books Added to the Library / Bookstore
    Laughing Gas: Nitrous Oxide, by Michael Sheldin & David Wallechinsky
    Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, by Kary Mullis
    The Drug User: Documents 1840-1960, by John Strausbaugh & Donald Blaise
    Cocaine Handbook, by David Lee
    The Book of E, by Push & Mireille Silcott
    This Timeless Moment, by Laura Huxley
    Controlled Substances, by Alexander Shulgin
    Recreational Drugs, by Professor Buzz

  12. New Trip Issue
    Our friends at Trip, The Journal of Psychedelic Culture (formerly known as TRP: The Resonance Project) have just put out a new issue. This issue features Erik Davis's talk from Mind States II, a tribute to Richard Evans Schultes, an inteview with Charles Hayes, editor of the anthology "Tripping", 2C-T-7 Commentary and more.


If you find Erowid a useful resource and are interested in supporting its future development, please consider donating or becoming a member.



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